The EDL was formed on the 27th of June, 2009 due to frustration at - TopicsExpress


The EDL was formed on the 27th of June, 2009 due to frustration at the lack of any significant action by the British Government against extremist Muslim preachers and organisations such as Islam4UK, Hizb ut Tahrir, the Islamic Forum of Europe, the Muslim Council of Britain. Like many citizens of England, and indeed the United Kingdom, we have sat and waited for our Government to address these issues for many years, but they have done nothing of substance. Indeed, much of the funding that they have supposedly dedicated to the problem has actually gone to fund these preachers of hate, who are entitled to ‘anti-radicalisation’ funds as long as they do not explicitly advocate violence. This is unacceptable. We have had enough of our Government ignoring both the problem itself and the cries for action from the majority of those in this country. Instead they promote a politically correct culture which panders to Jihadist preachers. Just a few examples from the many available will suffice to demonstrate the corrosive effect of this pandering on our lives. One of them, striking in a country which—although largely secular—is still officially Christian is that Nativity Plays have been banned at many schools so as not to offend Muslims. In addition, Halal meat, which many object to on grounds of animal cruelty, is served as an only option in many schools. A stark demonstration of how Englishness is marginalised in England itself is that St. George’s day is no longer recognised in many towns and cities, and the St. George flag is even banned by some councils, in case it offends. This capitulation to Muslim extremists is spreading across the country. We believe that it’s about time that people stood up for English culture against this Islamist assault and the political correctness that seeks to appease it. This is why, in addition to our other demonstrations, we will protest against any council or other local government organisation that seeks to tamper with traditional English celebrations, from Christmas to St. George’s day. For years we have sat and watched these Jihadists threaten us with slogans such as "Behead those who insult Islam" and "UK, your 9/11 is coming" to name just two of the thousands of such threats made against our country and way of life in recent years. The final straw came when the brave soldiers of the Royal Anglian Regiment returned to Luton from duty in Basra, Iraq. Many of them had lost friends serving their country, and of course a number of families have lost loved ones who served in the Regiment. When they arrived back in Luton, they were greeted by an absolutely disgusting display as Muslim extremists called them ‘child killers’ and ‘butchers’ and mocked their dead comrades. The police took more action against the patriotic people of Luton who confronted these vile specimens than they did against the extremists, who spew their hate against this country and our soldiers while living off benefits kindly provided for them by us, the taxpayers. This, then, led to the formation of the of the English Defence League. We are ordinary, non-racist citizens of England and supporters who have had enough of being treated as second-class citizens to the Jihadis in our own country. Are the English Defence League Racist? Some organisations and media reports have branded the EDL as ‘racist,’ ‘fascist,’ ‘far-right,’ or even ‘Zionist.’ All of these accusations are flat out untrue. We take an actively anti-racist and anti-fascist stance. In addition, the EDL is non-political, taking no position on right-wing vs left-wing. We welcome members from all over the political spectrum, and with varying views on foreign policy, united against Islamic extremism and its influence on British life. Everyone from those whose ancestral roots are in pre-Roman Britain to immigrants just arrived yesterday will be welcomed into the EDL with open arms as long as they are willing to stand up with us for English values and against Islamist hate. Too many English are afraid to stand up and say "Enough!" because of the fear of being branded "racist.” We hope to change this. So in short, we invite people of all races and faiths to join us in this campaign to awaken our sleeping Government to face up to and deal with the Jihad in our country, which threatens the very foundations of the freedoms won so dearly for us by past generations. Organisation and Leadership of the English Defence League The English Defence League is run by a network of organisers across England, and is partnered with the Welsh, Scottish, and Northern Irish Defense Leagues. Unfortunately, aside from a handful of named spokesmen, the names of these organisers cannot be published because of the threat to their lives and property from a colourful cast of characters including Islamic extremists, white supremacists, and misguided anti-fascists. Members of the English Defence League have received death threats from all three groups. This is also the reason why some members choose to cover their faces. We wish we lived in a society where that was not necessary, and hopefully one day we will.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 17:02:35 +0000

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