The ET Hypothesis might need to be replaced by “The God - TopicsExpress


The ET Hypothesis might need to be replaced by “The God Hypothesis.” Joseph Burkes MD 2014 In my view it seem very likely that UFO intelligence is an ancient phenomenon and that all religions, starting with religions humble beginnings as reflected in cave art, demonstrate a relationship between humanity and the intelligence (or perhaps the intelligences) associated with UFOs. I dont believe in the ET hypothesis in the sense that aliens in spaceships started hanging out around Earth in the last few decades or even last few centuries. They are not visitors. They have been here perhaps forever in as much as they are not limited by time and space and causality as we are. I like the term TOTENCET, THIS OTHERNESS THAT EXPERIENCERS NOW CALL ET. It can be pronounced as “toe ten set.” I coined the acronym to express the notion that we dont really know who or what they are except on a superficial level. They are “this otherness” and we know they are not human. The word Now coded by the N in the acronym is included to suggest they come to us in many forms as determined by the social historical context in which they are perceived. Thus during antiquity they were the gods. In biblical times they became God and our prophets perhaps were contactees. In the Middle Ages they were perceived as “magicians” and in the 1890s they were the crews of the airships sighted across the USA. I strongly suggest everyone who wants to understand the advanced concepts of Vallee and Keel on which this analysis is based read Colin Wilsons Alien Dawn available new for under twenty dollars and used for about ten dollars or less on the Internet. I have the notion that the current mythologies around the so-called “ETs” involve very simplistic discussions like “ET, good or evil?” We constantly project our innermost fears and desires on them as we create belief systems that struggle to make sense out of UFOs. I do it too, but i am trying to be aware of how I have been swept away by the passions created by interacting with TOTENCET. Yes I must admit at the risk of being viewed as a “naive fool” that I love them.” Joseph Burkes being labeled as a “raging contactee” is understandable. When I joined the contact network once known as CSETI back in 1992, some of my medical colleagues whispered that, “ Joe Burkes has lost it.” But I understand that loving “this otherness” gives a special meaning to my life that is mostly positive for me personally. After all gang, let’s face it, this stuff is more fun than golfing, although trying to convince some of my medical colleagues of this point might be a challenge. I grew up in the shadow of the nuclear mushroom cloud during the 1950s. My bones have incorporated into them strontium 90 from atmospheric testing of hydrogen bombs. As a child I participated first with my parents and then on my own in the massive demonstrations against the nuclear powers that apparently didn’t care if their tests might affect the health of children. Our efforts led to the International Nuclear Test Ban Treaty that forbade above ground detonations. When I learned that UFOs shut down missile silos and according to Dr Robert Jacobs shot an Atlas missile out of the sky in the 1960s, I decided as a former anti-nuclear activist in the International Physicians Against Nuclear War that “they” were on our side. In times past God sent us his laws, the Ten Commandments and his “son” as Jesus. Later the “Almighty” ordered an “angel” to whisper in the ears of an illiterate caravan merchant the most beautiful poetry ever spoken in the Arabic language. That poem is called the “Koran.” Alas these days the gods are probably being secretly blasted out of the sky by US military black ops projects that appear not to be under the control of the US President. The UFOs’ “crime” that triggers the use of deadly force is that they apparently dont recognize the sanctity of the airspace “ above US territories. If this analysis that I have offered is correct, why should they respect the rules of strong nations that seem mostly interested in dominating weaker ones as in the US against Iraq, Russia against Ukraine and Nazi Germany against the world. The notion of limited sovereignty being promoted by the World Court as it applies to the crimes of dictators against even their own peoples, may need to be expanded to our relationship to UFO intelligence. We should acknowledge that we are not alone in the universe, we are not “number one” and we must stop denying the importance of the greatest mystery that our culture has ever confronted.
Posted on: Fri, 02 May 2014 17:29:34 +0000

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