The Earth Uplift Legend ~ ...Back when earth was much younger, - TopicsExpress


The Earth Uplift Legend ~ ...Back when earth was much younger, when humans as we know them evolved here; the confederation deemed the planets indigenous people should be left alone to evolve however nature they designated earth as a Hands Off planet. Predictably, there were races not aligned with the confederation who had ideas of their own regarding earth. The confederation of course monitored earth to verify that no outside forces were interfering with the inhabitants, I guess you could call it a blockade. This was necessary because in the Orion star system there exist some races who thought earth was the perfect place to conduct some genetic experiments. The confederation is represented by races from the Pleiades cluster, Arcturus, Altair and various other systems, while the Orion syndicate is comprised primarily of reptilian races, Archons, and subordinate races like the Greys from Zeta Reticuli and a few others. The Orions began violating the hands off policy figuring that the confederation worlds wouldnt go to war over this one little planet full of monkeys, and they were right. The Orions knew that as long as they didnt lay claim to earth and begin moving in, the confederation would not take direct action against them...and so they only violated the blockade every so often, content to play the long game. As time passed, of course the Orions began escalating their operations, and their interference with humans...enough to throw the whole works out of balance. The confederation meanwhile had anticipated such, and came up with a long range plan of their own, to negate the harm done and restore balance to earth; it is known as the earth uplift mission...and many of us currently incarnated are part of that mission. Rather than igniting a galactic war, the confederation chose to conduct a kind of rescue mission that would play out gradually over a great span of time. The warriors who volunteered for the mission would not be landing in spacecraft, but instead they would arrive the way all humans do, thru the birth-death cycle we call reincarnation. The volunteers numbered in the thousands and took on special training to ensure their success. When all was ready this first wave of lightworkers began incarnating on earth. Some would mature to be teachers, others musicians, and artists, and philosophers, and singers. When activated at maturity these volunteer warriors of light would begin their life as way showers, each one a representative of Source...showing others the way back home. A generation later when the starseeds were ready to activate and go forth...there was a problem, a very big one. Fully two thirds of the starseeds had failed to activate when programmed to. They were alive...just not responding to their programming, and not activating. The mission planners had under-estimated the traumatic effects of unforeseen social and environmental dangers, which locked the volunteers into survival mode; by-passing their spiritual programming for the mission. They were lost. The mission simply could not succeed with only a third of the volunteers activated. The mission planners went back to work. They soon had twice the number of volunteers being readied for deployment, and took extra measures to protect them from the things that crippled the first wave. It was now obvious that whatever the Orions and Archons were up to had greatly amplified earths negative polarity, and sent the majority of volunteers into full-on survival mode, neutralizing them. The second wave of light warriors would have to be of sterner stuff to thrive, succeed, and achieve their mission. They were armed with specific encodements of sound and light that would help to re-activate those of the first wave; and inspire many, many others to awaken from spiritual slumber as well. There was more urgency with the deployment of the second wave, because in a very real sense time was running out...there was a deadline for the mission which would arrive in less than a century; known as the great shift of the ages. The lightworkers of the second wave were programmed to be more pro-active than their predecessors, less passive, more aggressive, more tenacious and unwilling to quit or surrender. Basically the second wave were the rabble rousers needed to shake things up and change things around. They would seek to level the playing field for all, so that all could be free and awake. There would be no time for another rescue wave after this, if the earth uplift mission failed to ignite a spiritual revolution - the evolution of humans would not advance. Even with its negative polarity; earth was never destined to be a planet of warfare and slavery, the Orion gang turned it into that with their interference and genetic manipulation. A school such as earth needs a negative polarity because without the resistance from negativity, no growth is possible. One who is never challenged never becomes strong. Its the same principle as why electricity works...without some resistance on the line, no current is possible! More than anything else the objective of this second wave of light warriors was to inspire enough people to attain critical mass for the great awakening necessary to defeat the Orion agenda. In order to support the second wave, the confederation saw it would have to create parity with the Orions, and match them move for move. This is why both sides maintain starship bases hidden around the earth and beneath the oceans. The ships we saw tonight were the good guys and Mt. Shasta is one of their oldest bases. Rather than an all out galactic war the conflict plays out right here on earth as a war for our very souls. I know it doesnt seem like a war right now because everything is tightly controlled to maintain the illusion and keep the masses asleep. By the time your children are grown this world will resemble the battlefield it is, and people will be awakening by the millions as the illusion falls apart. Instead of keeping our spiritual lives private we need to be sharing our knowledge and beliefs with others...its the only way to reclaim this world: one person at a time, one heart at a time. Any questions? More @
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 13:32:44 +0000

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