The Easter Island Findings Created by ET’s on Earth The giant - TopicsExpress


The Easter Island Findings Created by ET’s on Earth The giant stone structures created by ET’s 50,000 years ago are located in Easter Islands. They are still there well preserved. I am sure there are others older artefacts hidden under the ocean bed undiscovered. The oldest artefact found in Western India youtube/watch?v=SF9MZsyq5o8 The oldest artefact found in western India--is a 32,000 years old City under the sea, in the Gulf of Khambhat, 7 miles from the shore. This was published on Dec 2, 2012. This is proof that aliens had built a full civilized city on Earth before humans, and that Krishna was also an alien. Extraterrestrials during the Sumerian Era (1500 to 3500 BC) (July 11, 1920 – October 9, 2010) Zecharia Sitchin has provided a fascinating documentation on the existence of extraterrestrials in the history of mankind. These extraterrestrials are described in ancient Sumerian texts (circa 1500 to 3500 BCE -- “Before Current Era”) as being the Anunnaki (“those who from heaven to earth came”). According to Sitchin (1985, 1990-1) and other open-minded interpreters of the various ancient texts available to us today, the Anunnaki, were instrumental in creating man some 250,000 years ago, and were extensively involved in mankind’s history during the pre-Christian eras. The Book of Genesis, as just one example, can best be interpreted in a consistent manner by writing the ancient Sumerian description of the Anunnaki. Edgar Cayce’s Reading on UFO’s and ET By: T. Kay What did Edgar Cayce say about UFOs and ETs? Cayce, America’s most accurate and best-documented psychic, had something to say about extraterrestrial beings. T. Kay writes in his book, When the Comet Runs, [1997, Hampton Roads Pub. Co., Charlottesville, VA., p. 146-147), few people are aware that Cayce spoke of extraterrestrials, on two occasions. In a “reading” about the Atlanteans period, (more than 12,000 years ago) Cayce, according to T. Kay, said: ‘The manners of transportation, the manners of communications through the airships of that period were such as Ezekiel described them at a much later date.’ (Reading 1859-1) In 1938 while discussing the experiences of the people of the Mayan region who occupied Central America, Cayce mentioned in passing: ‘...and there were the beginnings of the unfoldments of the understanding [from] those that were visiting from other worlds or planets.’ (Reading 1616-1). Extraterrestrial Beings in the Old Testament BY SEAN CASTEEL The notion that flying saucers can be inferred when reading certain passages of the Old Testament is not a new one, but, like the Bible itself, it is an inexhaustible subject, meaning we can never know the complete truth of that correlation in spite of how hard we work to understand it all. But Timothy Green Beckley comes to the aid of the curious reader seeking to learn more about this marvelous relationship between miracles many millennia old and the advanced UFO technology we have seen in our skies at least since the 1947 sighting by Kenneth Arnold. Beckley has recently released an updated edition of the classic “Flying Saucers In The Holy Bible,” which consists mostly of an older work by the Reverend Virginia F. Brasington, who offered flying saucer interpretations of stories from both the Old and New Testaments. This article will concern itself primarily with incidents from the Old Testament. In his introduction to the new reprint, Beckley discusses the little known Reverend Brasington thusly: “Hers was a relatively obscure manuscript that had been picked up by ‘flying saucer promoter’ Gray Barker and published by his Saucerian Press. Before she became an angel in heaven herself, I met the petite woman while a guest on an all-night talk show hosted by, of all people, the Amazing Randi. The lady minister had set about to promote her work and she so impressed me with what she had uncovered that I later reissued her book in 1982. At the time it was well received, but unfortunately there was only a limited audience for its controversial content. Unlike other more authoritative figures in the same genre, Reverend Brasington touched upon her own fertile ground.” If you’re wondering just what kind of reverend Virginia Brasington was, Beckley writes that she was licensed as a minister in the State of North Carolina by the Church of the Nazarene. But it is unlikely that many of her fellow clergy members at the time were seeing the Bible quite like she did.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 03:29:51 +0000

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