The Ego, The Soul and The Monad continued..... By Humanity - TopicsExpress


The Ego, The Soul and The Monad continued..... By Humanity Healing Team "Many religions and cults that are associated with some medium phenomena usually overshadow the concept of Soul with the concept of Spirit. In her book about Human and Solar Initiation, the theosophist Alice Bailey defines the Spiritual Human physiology as having a trine Nature: Monad, Higher Self (or Soul) and Lower Self. Pythagoras also had the same concept about the trine nature of man, but he used a different terminology: Spirit, Soul and Personality. The Monad is the Divine spark which animates and gives life to every human creature. It is to the loving “structure” of the Monad that our Souls are connected to; each different group of beings has its own respective Monad. Each Monad is connected with the higher Monads and to the Mother/Father God in a progression that is infinite and incessant. We can witness that most people cannot assimilate or deal with the completeness of the concept of Personality, thus making the notion of conscious connection with the Monad an impossibility, almost an object of wild fantasy. To access the Soul is an accomplishment for a very few committed Spiritual beings, since many seem to have difficulties differentiating the “voices of the Egoic Mind “and the real “voice” of the Higher Self. Still according to A. Bailey, the personality also manifests a triple manifestation: The Mental Body, Emotional Body, and the Physical Body. It is sad to see that the greater part of mankind still only transits through these three planes, from the physical , to the emotional, then reaching to the mental concrete and rational mental body, and from there on, their energy encounters the “Void”, even if they do not see it this way. In this stage of consciousness, the preponderance of the decisions are made without consulting the Soul’s wisdom and guidance, therefore it becomes the Personality’s task to chart the guidelines and decisions to be made. As a result, mainly all the choices and judgments will be taken to solely satisfy the physical, the emotional and the logical mind. We are not saying, that the Ego, or Lower Self is bad, and needs to be annihilated. That is not a truthful position. In order to fully experience the Human condition, a Soul extension has to be equipped with a Physical Body and with an Ego. Without these elements, the Human condition simply would not function. Ego is necessary because it has the automatic pilot for certain functions such as the sense of preservation and basic instinctual responses. However, we cannot stress enough the need to discipline the Ego to surrender to the Higher Guidance of the Soul. Discipline is not necessarily punishment; it is control method and regulation of its demands." --continued-- --OMTimes
Posted on: Mon, 08 Jul 2013 14:27:25 +0000

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