The End Of An Era! When the phone rang, it was an odd time when - TopicsExpress


The End Of An Era! When the phone rang, it was an odd time when no call was expected, at about 11 pm. a look at the phone screen announced that the caller was from home, precisely the person who was in position to give accurate informations on mums situation as her health had deteriorated in the previous days. this call is from home, I told my wife who was siting next to me as we watched the final programming from our favorite TV station before going to bed. its from Iyke, I told her, take the call; exclaimed Mayra. after one ringing or so I summoned the courage to take the call, not before confirming with the look at mayras face that she is thinking exactly the same thing as I am, could it be true?, 11 pm here is about 3 am in Nigeria, therefore no reason why Iyke should be awake at this time not to talk of calling me with the best of news. Ripples and shock waves that ran through my blood left me shivering with a combination of fear cold, and despair, there was that inexplicable coldness that froze everything in my stomach and a rush of adrenaline to my brain that made me inexplicably confused. Hello!, Nnaa, Prince how far Nnaa okwu agwukwona; what happened ? Mma ayi ahapukwona; Kee ife mezilu; Umu aka fa-nia no na hospital kpolu now wee nekwu ifemelu; With this dialog I was left to figure out the whole meaning and determine the next line of action, time was like stopped ticking and many informations started loading to my brain at the same time with an alarming speed, meanwhile I can here my wife crying and the children asking what had just happened and a sudden confusion just enveloped the house. I Placed a couple of calls to my brothers who had not received the news, said a prayer and continued aimlessly into a long and lonely night. When the day broke, I rose up to find the reality still the same, calls flying in and out and the arrangement had started on what do to. I had to step up and assume a position to avoid a rushed decision, I got every body organized to a consensus about how to the obvious. I must make provision immediately for the hospital bill and the mortuary, while discussions continue into the next two weeks including wrangling with the church community and priest hood of our town, until a date was agreed on. She filled every moment of my life for the next three and half month, I passed these days only in function of what, and how to do. there was never a time when the whole family sang the same song like now. the melody was some times deferent but always with the same lyrical content, from all direction you can only hear I have no money now, but I was sure that come that day mama must be honored and glorified. One thing about the bogus funeral budget as dictated in our culture is that it keeps one very busy and away from sorrow from the lost of a loved one. Exactly three months from the day of this tragic incidence, I embarked on a journey towards home, having marked out a month to be available for whatever that may be required to appreciate my beloved Mum and show respect. Though, since the last three months I had carried my hair uncut to mourn her but in a great extent the official mourning had now begone. Arrangements had focused mostly on publicity and invitation of guests, entertainment, refreshments was not left out but most important was security of the home and the venue where thousand where expected. The military, the Police, Road Safety and local vigilant groups where all drafted to guarantee an itch free event. The date was 19th of July 2013, the great woman who did nothing less than honorable in discharge of her maternal responsibility, who worked under rain and sunshine and provided more than enough to her nine living children, brought them through peril unto glory. she was credited with the defeat of tyranny through patience and endurance, she stands tall amongst her peas as a great achiever whos correctness in judgments and assessments is evidenced in her conducts in times of rejection, discrimination and even pestilence, she was laid to rest amidst sorrows and applause. People came to mourn her from far and near, guest were received from four continents but from all over Nigeria came people to pay respect to the Princess. I acknowledge the presence of the glamorous women of St. Pauls Catholic Church Ojoto, The Rev. father in charge of the Church, who said the holly mass together with Rev. Father Chidozie Okeke, Rev. Sister Franca Uzokwe, Rev. Sister Onyinye Okafor, And other authorities in the church of Christ present at the occasion. I appreciate every effort made by any body to the success of the funeral. Principally Thank you My Brother Chidi Akameluaku Okafor for your help during the most trying times in the life of the princess. You were there for her and I sincerely appreciate your sacrifices. The Stories of Princess Charity Okafor was told, is being told, will be told till eternity. siting in a plane, flying back home I ponder, what life really is, is it just about being burn and then dying, what happened to mum, is she conscious somewhere, or did death bring defeat and desolation? had mum acquired the powers of an angel, is she watching over me? had she seen our lord and savior Jesus Christ, if not, how long is she going to wait before she meets The Lord? what about those left behind, is mum still of any use or need to us? can I ask her for any favor like we ask the holly Virgin Mery, and other angels or assumed holly people that left to the world beyond. If my believe that mum had credentials for making heaven is anything to rely on, oh heaven I need a hug, for one more time can mum still be mum, can I still shear with her my stories and struggles, and expect her ever assuring a encouraging remarks, can I still assure and remind her that I am capable and able, come what may. Mum your burial place is my pilgrimage, Ill always come to see you, Ill always defend your resting place until I join you in your new aboard. In you I learnt how possible it is to follow and to trust God unconditionally, because I loved you without reservation unto the end, Heaven knows. Your death had changed nothing between us, Jesus is our consolation, no labour should be without wage. Mum I see you struggling to open the gates of heaven to pure down its reaches in blessing unto your children who endured the pains of your sickness with you, but today live with the reality of loosing you to the battle. Your prayers had reached the ears of the almighty and had moved the heart of GOD. I dedicate this to all who took the pains and cared for the sick around them, to those who give to the needy around them, I seek consolation for hearts who are troubled because of the loss of beloved ones. Holy Jesus let love reign in our hearts, open our eyes to see the beauty of your everlasting Love and encourage us to follow your footsteps, Amen! Atuna egwu nwam, Asona nganga, Atuna ujo, Jesus bu Eze.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 17:35:34 +0000

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