The Enemy Will Seek to Alienate.--Satan is ever ready to take - TopicsExpress


The Enemy Will Seek to Alienate.--Satan is ever ready to take advantage when any matter of variance arises, and by moving upon the objectionable, hereditary traits of character in husband or wife, he will try to cause the alienation of those who have united their interests in a solemn covenant before God. In the marriage vows they have promised to be as one, the wife covenanting to love and obey her husband, the husband promising to love and cherish his wife. If the law of God is obeyed, the demon of strife will be kept out of the family, and no separation of interests will take place, no alienation of affection will be permitted. {AH 106.3} Counsel to a Strong-willed Couple.--Neither husband nor wife is to make a plea for rulership. The Lord 107 has laid down the principle that is to guide in this matter. The husband is to cherish his wife as Christ cherishes the church. And the wife is to respect and love her husband. Both are to cultivate the spirit of kindness, being determined never to grieve or injure the other. . . . {AH 106.4} Do not try to compel each other to do as you wish. You cannot do this and retain each others love. Manifestations of self-will destroy the peace and happiness of the home. Let not your married life be one of contention. If you do, you will both be unhappy. Be kind in speech and gentle in action, giving up your own wishes. Watch well your words, for they have a powerful influence for good or for ill. Allow no sharpness to come into your voices. Bring into your united life the fragrance of Christlikeness. {AH 107.1} THE ADVENTIST HOME
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 04:55:47 +0000

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