The English Student Newspaper 1st Edition Socialist Worker’s - TopicsExpress


The English Student Newspaper 1st Edition Socialist Worker’s Party – Unite Against Fascism EXPOSED In April 2013 having been invited along by a fellow student to a public meeting concerning the opposition to the coalition government’s austerity agenda though the convenors of the meeting were left wing a young student went along and listened attentively to the speeches and to the discussions and in order to show his attendance in the spirit of cooperation and coordination that he believes in when addressing the issues that of mutual interest such as the cuts in the NHS or in residential care support for the elderly. He signed his name in the register and because he was addressed in a suit and a England tie he became the target of heckles and exhortations of Nazi, Fascist and Racist and was then asked to leave having been told he was not welcome at this meeting of the Unite the Resistance despite the factual accuracy that as a student he was involved in student union demonstrations against tuition fees and cuts in higher education. The only crime that he had committed that day was that he was an Englishman a proud Englishman albeit one who has Asperger’s Syndrome a form of autism. This young man left the meeting peacefully and quietly when asked to do so. In September 2013 on De Montfort University Campus the Student Union held a Societies Fair for its students and this young student whilst walking through his campus talking to friends and promoting the university football club he strolled past a stall and on walking past he was recognised by two individuals who had been involved in expelling him from the public meeting back in April and then the repetitive slogans once more came roaring out of the mouths of these two individuals Nazi, Fascist and Racist at him. This particular student who has struggled with mental health problems whilst at university and with Asperger’s Syndrome which has made it severely difficult for him to communicate and interact with his student peers tried to persuade the two men that he was not a Nazi or a Racist but they ignored his polite attempts at persuasive interaction. The young student who is 24 until this Friday coming when he turns 25 just left and went back to his student accommodation and put on his smart suit a red and white rosette often seen around the campus without any complain from staff or students and a England tie whilst handing out business cards to promote the football club to students these same men began to shout such language. A quite and self effacing student he attempted to reason with them explaining who he was and that he was often seen around campus without complaint from students and that the men were duly mistaken but still no luck was to be had. The student became quite distraught and upset that these men had come to his university and had begun bombarding him with falsehoods and defamatory innuendo without no reference to proof or truthful accuracy. In a peaceful and non-violent demonstration against their behaviour the student just brushed some of their leaflets off their stall table onto the floor. Whereupon all hell broke loose two men the main two grabbed the student and attempted to shove him to the ground but the young student who despite his disabilities managed to keep to his feet kept pushing them back men who were twice his age and much stronger and bigger built than he was himself. These individuals who were responsible are extremists who will target the most vulnerable looking people in our society in order to wreak their intimidation and thuggery. The student who is often speaking to socialists or leftwing activists does not tar everyone left-field individual with the same brush. But it is becoming quite evident that the non-student element in the Socialist Workers Party and Unite Against Fascism are much more militant and much more prone to intimidate people without cause without evidence and without restraint. The Student who was involved is known to many of you not personally but through political association or through the arena of debate and discussion. The student was Oliver Healey English Democrat Party Activist Thank You I believe in a peaceful and non-violent society we nationalists should never degrade ourselves by resorting to the violence of the UAF and the SWP. THIS IS ENGLAND - Political Violence is not welcome here
Posted on: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 16:04:56 +0000

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