"The English as a race are not worth saving!" - Jack Straw, - TopicsExpress


"The English as a race are not worth saving!" - Jack Straw, Minister of Justice. Jack Straw’s Constitution for Falklands Islands creates tyrannical Dictatorship It starts off with a grandiose statement about everyone’s ‘rights’, then proceeds in subsequent paragraphs to whittle away those ‘rights’ until, in every case in which they might actually be needed, they will not apply. Among other things this ‘constitution’ allows for the imposition of indefinite forced labor upon the population, should the government deem this necessary for the ‘well-being of the community’, and for the shooting of rioters. There are search and entry powers in respect of ‘public morality’ and ‘the development or utilization of any other property in such a manner as to promote the public benefit’ It provides for the suppression of assemblies on the grounds that they might inconvenience the police, allows the seizure of private property ‘in the public interest’, provides for suspension of all other provisions in the event of an ‘emergency’, allows for indefinite detention under emergency powers, with reviews every three months (90 days), allows for the award of damages in respect of violation of constitutional rights against the agents of the state, but not against those who enacted the violating law. And that’s just the first page. As the old song says: “If you want any more, you can sing it yourself.” I am not a constitutional expert but I have to say that even on a strictly amateur basis I feel that I could do better than Mr. Straw. Fortunately I was not thinking of emigrating to the Falkland Islands. One suspects that if this constitution is imposed upon that once happy place, the reverse process will quickly occur, until there is nobody left there at all except for members ‘of a disciplined force in pursuance of his or her duties’. I wonder how many who fought in the Falklands saw this as the end result of their sacrifice. If this is how Government represent the people, if Jack Straw believes that this is what is genuinely required in the Falklands, and it is a blueprint of what he intends to put in place in a post democratic UK, then I can only say that the dawn of the tyrannical Dictatorship is well and truly upon us. “The English are not worth saving as a race” – Jack Straw. As far as politicians are concerned Jack Straw isn’t alone in this kind of thinking, I bet we would all be surprised to learn just how many members of parliament would go along with him regardless of which political party they aspire to just because they are too cowardly to stand up and publicly say what they really think for fear of committing political suicide. What is so sad when one stops to think about it is these fools think that so long as they follow the leader like so many sheep that they will be safe. The biggest threat we currently face in this country, indeed throughout Europe and the entire continent of North America is the one from Islam. At the moment Muslims as a whole are in the minority, although some areas in the UK are now totally Muslim, completely Muslim only ghettos, no go areas where the people of those areas practice their way of life and culture just as they would have done in the countries from whence they originated. Little Pakistan’s, little Bangladesh, little Somalia and so on, the list goes on. Multiculturalism? Don’t make me laugh. These people have come to this country in the full knowledge of not having any intention of integrating with British society what so ever, other than to claim every financial benefit under the sun, which our foolish soft in the head government hand out like sweeties. Giving them homes, cars and any other damn thing they can fleece us for whilst they just breed and breed and breed, more mouths to feed, more people to accommodate, more schools to educate them and all at our expense! I read a comment someone made recently where they compared Islam with the Nazis and thought that Islam was worse than Nazism but wait, on paper Hitler’s National Socialist Party didn’t look as bad as the Nazis really were,..sound familiar? There were politicians at the outbreak of WWII who foolishly thought they might be able to appease Adolf Hitler in order to keep Britain out of the war. Still sound familiar? People like Sir Winston Churchill were the only ones who could see the wood for the trees and could see right through Heir Hitler’s little scam. Churchill knew that if Britain rolled over and allowed Hitler to do as he liked in Europe that he wouldn’t stop there. Hitler’s plan was to walk into country after country and brain washing everyone in those countries to HIS way, the NAZI way of thinking and if he couldn’t do it by stealth he would do it by brute force if necessary, is it sounding familiar yet? To spread the arean dream to rid the world of the ‘Die Untermenschen‘, what the Nazis called ‚‘The subhuman‘. If Britain had just sat back and allowed Hitler to do as he pleased the Nazis would have eventually infiltrated this entire country and its organisations, Police, local authorities, public services, its military, its financial system and educational system and if anyone woke up to what was happening right under their noses and spoke out against it they would be silenced, they would here one day and gone the next. Indeed if our galant young men, now very old men, hadn’t litterally fought for their lives in the skys over this country I may well be writing this in German, assuming I would have been here to write it in the first place for Heir Hitler’s hit list of people to be exterminated throughout the British Isles, which I might add included the whole of Ireland, oh sorry, you chaps and chapesses in the IRA didn’t think you’d be off the hook because The Irish Republc was neutral and you guys were actively helping Heir Hitler did you? Oh dear, WRONG! As far as the Nazis were concerned you too were ‘Die Untermenschen‘ too! Oh they would most likely have used you guys to satifie their own ends but rest assured once you had outlived your usefulness you’d be joining the rest of the people that Hitler and his cronies had no use for, in a gas chamber! Something else that some people may or may not be aware of regarding Heir Hitler and that is he was in bed with the Arab nations in the middle east, indeed he was most facinated by the teachings of Islam and the way that Islamic Jihad operated. Are there any bells ringing? Of course Hitler had no intention of allowing Muslims to get away scot free for as far as he was concerned they too were Die Untermenschen and weren’t worthy of breathing the same air as him but it suited him to have the Arab nations on side so he could eploite them for their oil and mineral wealth. Once the nazis were the majority power they too would have been wiped out by using the Muslim’s own Islamic methods of Jihad under the name of Nazism. Of course Muslim leaders at the time did not like or trust Adolf Hitler any more than they like or trusted any other ‚Infidel‘ but as they were in the minority at the time they rather naively thought it might be in their interest to get into bed with Hitler and his Nazi party. Fools! Likewise Hitler had no intention of being all cosey with the Japanese either, had he met up with them. Oh he may well shook hands with them and pretended to be all buddy buddy but rest assured he would have taken them over too! So people, have you seen any similarities yet? If left unchecked, if we just sit back and allow the Muslim population in this country do just as they like while we feed them, cloth them and educate them then in 15 to 20 years, maybe sooner there will not be a Christian, Jew, Hindu, Sikh, Buddist or Pagan alive in this country. Even if the indiginous Jewdeo Christain people fled these shores for pastures new where would they go? Not Europe for that will be an Islamic state. Not North America because that too will be Islamic. Australia maybe? NewZealand? Hm...I wonder. Maybe we will have to remain and give in to Islam? Or just let ourselves be beheaded as apostates? I am not too concerned about myself for by the time Britain becomes fully Islamic my time on this earth will be up and I’ll be dead and gone but what of my children? What kind of life will they have? Assuming they will be allowed to live! Still think Islam is any the more incidious than Nazism? Do you want your children or your grand children to become Muslim? Think on people, but don’t take too long thinking it over because time waits for no man and the clock is ticking and with every tick of the clock another Muslim comes into this world! Remember the words of Sir Winston Churchill Never give in--never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy. Sir Winston Churchill,
Posted on: Fri, 04 Oct 2013 10:43:54 +0000

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