The Enmity of Disordered Desire Each person is tempted when they - TopicsExpress


The Enmity of Disordered Desire Each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. –James 1:14 When researchers compile their results, they write an abstract that summarizes their research methods and conclusions. A person can read the abstract and learn the most salient points about the research. Genesis 1 through 3 reads much like an abstract of the Bible. It omits important history that is later recorded, but these chapters outlines in general terms how that history will unfold. Genesis 1 and 2 describe a world that is good and a God who is good. Humanity will flourish within the bounds of this goodness defined and ordered by God, a goodness to inspire and fulfill their desires. The shalom of Genesis 1and 2 is the good life. It should have been enough to satisfy humanity. But Genesis 3 tells the story of human rebellion and the nomadic nature of human desire. Never staying long in one place, always restless in its appetites, desire in the human heart easily turns to feelings of discontent. Despite that God had made “trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food,” Eve became convinced that God had withheld something good? The suspicion took deep root, and Eve remade God into her image. She acted as if He were not good or generous but rather begrudging and stingy. She took and ate as did Adam, and the world remains haunted by that fateful choice. Desire can easily become discontent. Discontent can turn into mistrust. Mistrust can become disordered desire, where we sin against the Father who we do not believe loves us fully. When this happens, shalom is shattered, suspicions multiply, and the intimacy between God and humanity is fractured. Apply the Word Often we would rather be proven right than be reconciled. Or, we can’t bear to admit our wrong and confess it. Remember that the goodness God intended for humanity includes wholeness is human relationships, “Be reconciled,” Jesus commands (Matt. 5:24). What does that require you to want today? Today in the Word
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 21:12:08 +0000

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