The Epidemic of Social Depression Depression develops out of a - TopicsExpress


The Epidemic of Social Depression Depression develops out of a lack of control. Many members of society are part of a societal depression. Our forefathers taught us that if we worked hard and got an education that we would be blessed with the same securities and abundance they were. The baby boomers were the royalty of our time; at no other time in our history has there been such security and excess for all. A mill worker in the eighties could have a home, support 3 kids and still have pizza and bowling on the weekends. Baby boomers were raised by parents of the depression that taught them to save store and they did. They had security. During this realm of liberation the feminist revolution took place. Women were granted liberties they hadn’t had before; this render, a great deal of success in the options, respect and freedoms of women. Along this journey, we went from women fighting for an opportunity to work, to women having to work. As we progressed so did the demand on our dollar. Household incomes increased and so did standards of living and cost. Middle class became the anticipated norm. There is only so much to go around. The baby boomers left our current middle age society with expectations of a bar that we struggle to meet. Many of us feel like failures because we are not able to meet our own expectations carved out for us by our predecessors. It is out of our reflections of failure that the epidemic of social depressions seeds. There was a time when job stability, pensions and unions existed, not today. There was time when saving was simple, now our savings is how much credit we have available. Our predecessors did not have cell phone bills and need a computer just of function in society. There is only so much to go around and it is preposterous to believe that all the baby boomers had could be dispersed in the same abundance to their two point five kids. The society we live in today came into existence in an intensely rapid speed. The use and understanding of money is the most confusing and unpredictable it has ever been. Life is now priced based on a two family income in a single parent world. Money is chaos. To free ourselves of societal depression we cannot focus on money. What is needed is to accept that this world that we exist in is unique. The elements have changed since our parents and grandparents time. We must unburden ourselves from the bars of the past generations. Embrace that this is a new time in history alterations in values and standards are inevitable. Measure yourself not by what you have but who you are. Everybody wants more; everybody feels like they fail at times, everyone carries scares and pain, everyone feels alone sometimes. Let this be what unites us. Because of media today we understand clearer than ever before that no one get through this life unscathed. In knowing this; be not the judgers of others but of yourself. Measure yourself by the life you lead and the nobility you carry out and you will find it easy to walk with your head held high. Measure yourself by what you acquire and you will never feel fulfilled.
Posted on: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 00:17:30 +0000

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