The Eric Garner case is much more complex and nuanced than the - TopicsExpress


The Eric Garner case is much more complex and nuanced than the case in Ferguson. I, like many, who watched the video, believe the police in this instance overreacted and it resulted in a terrible, probably avoidable, tragedy. Eric Garner did resist arrest. And the police went through several steps of non-lethal force before it escalated to the physical application of force..and Garner did not comply...but, he did say several times he couldnt breathe and the cops shouldve backed off him unless there was an immediate threat of bodily harm to them or others. Now, none of us were in the Grand Jury hearings, we do not know what evidence beyond the video was presented that led them not to indict, but there is a criminal standard that must be met and its possible this didnt meet that standard based on what the law requires. The chokehold used by Officer Pantaleo is banned by the NYPD but not deemed illegal under NY State law. I think the officer made the wrong call and should be fired for using a banned tactic, especially since a man died as a result. I was frankly surprised there was no indictment but unless or until the grand jury testimony is released, we must be careful in making snap judgements about the entire system being broken etc. There were 23 people who examined the evidence in this case. I dont think they were all in on a grand racist conspiracy to devalue black life. I also think its dangerous though to keep perpetuating this notion that theres an open season on black men in this country.The statistics do not back the meme being put out that there that blacks being killed by police is an epidemic. Police killings of black men are actually quite rare in the greater scheme of actual violence committed against blacks by other blacks. This is a harsh reality that many do not want to face or discuss honestly. Instead, we now have the idea that its open season on black men being hyped up by the media and race agitators, ginning up violent responses across the country. This is counter productive. Should police brutality be addressed, absolutely. On a local level, let communities work out whats best for them. Lets not nationalize local policing. The mistrust between the police and many black communities is a complex issue. But if theres ever a chance at trying to fix these issues, there must be self-reflection in the black community about rampant criminal behavior and the correlation with treatment by police. Its a two way street.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 05:16:23 +0000

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