The Essence of Invoking Blessings on The Prophet (sa) January - TopicsExpress


The Essence of Invoking Blessings on The Prophet (sa) January 16, 2015 NOTE: Al Islam Team ( takes full responsibility for any errors or miscommunication in this Synopsis of the Friday Sermon. Audio / Video Links ‘Allah and His angels send blessings on the Prophet. O ye who believe! you also invoke blessings on him and salute him with the salutation of peace.’ (33:57) This verse elucidates that God and His angels send blessings and salutations on the Holy Prophet ï·º . Thus, those who employ various tactics to impede or lessen the advancement of this Prophet will never succeed. Those who make wrong allegations against him and ridicule him presume they can succeed. Their conspiracies cannot harm this beloved of God in any way at all. With the grace of God attainment of the objective for which the Holy Prophet ï·º was sent will continue to come to pass. Indeed, in this age God sent the true and ardent devotee of the Holy Prophet ï·º for this attainment and opened new avenues to spread the beautiful teachings of Islam. The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) was sent for all ages and all nations by God and for this He is facilitating ways and means through His grace. Neither did the Prophet’s opponent succeed in the past nor will they now. This is God’s decree and a true Muslim should not be concerned about this at all. However, true Muslims should be cognisant of the task given to them which is to profusely invoke Durood (salutations and blessings) on the Holy Prophet ï·º to exalt him just as God and His angels do. To join those who advance the causes of the Prophet ï·º and along with God and His angels invoke Durood on the Holy Prophet ï·º People calling themselves Muslim recently attacked the offices of a publication in France and killed 12 people. This was briefly mentioned in last Friday sermon and Ahmadis were urged to invoke Darood. Triumph of Islam will not be through murder and mayhem, rather we will succeed in our objective by invoking Durood on the Prophet ï·º . It was also mentioned that [the publication] could wrongly react to the attack and this was to be expected of them. They have printed caricatures once again which have caused us hurt yet again as indeed they would hurt any true Muslim. Whatever this publication, called Charlie Hebdo, did a few years ago had been forgotten but the act of those called Muslims ignited it once more. In the past many western leaders had criticised the publication and many governments did not allow re-producing whatever it printed. However after last week’s attacks many sensible leaders have supported it and various sources have helped it with millions of dollars. Its regular circulation was 60,000 and it was on the verge of closing down. Yet, due to people called Muslims five million copies of the magazine are now published. People estimate the publication has been given a new lease of life of further ten to twelve years whereas it may not have lasted six months. Those who attacked the offices of this magazine not only fanned wrongful image of the teachings of Islam but also resurrected a dead enemy. If only Muslim organisations which perpetrate atrocities in the name of Islam understood that the loving teaching of Islam will bring people sooner into the fold of Islam. Worldly people are blind to faith. Let alone the Prophet ï·º they even mock God. If we respond to ignorance with ignorance we would be committing greater ignorance. God commands to remove oneself from such situations. Socialising with such people or to concur with them makes us sinful but if we respond to their wrong actions with wrong actions and they end up degrading our Prophet ï·º , this also makes us party to their sin. True Muslims should avoid such practices and leave everything with God Who has stated that when everyone will return to Him they will bear the consequences of such actions. In this age the enemy of Islam harms Islam and the Holy Prophet ï·º not with force but with such petty ploys. By stating that God and His angels send blessings on the Prophet the principle is explained that these ploys cannot harm the status of the Holy Prophet ï·º in the least. Rather than react with similar ignorance true Muslims invoke blessings and salutations on the Prophet ï·º . People who did not think much of this vulgar publication are now supporting it in the name of freedom of speech. However, there are some fair-minded people who did not like the vulgar depictions and have held the management of the magazine responsible. A co-founder of Charlie Hebdo named Henri Roussel has said that images published by the magazine were provocative and its editor dragged the team to death. He has said that this was contrary to their basic policy. Pope has also given a very good statement. He said freedom of speech has limits and religions should be treated with respect so that people’s faiths were not insulted or ridiculed. To illustrate his point Pope said his close friend who organises his tours could expect a punch if he cursed his mother. Indeed, Pope has given a very realistic statement. Muslims should have sense and not react inappropriately. The media is most influential all over the world and plays a role in igniting a given situation and well as diffusing it. After this incident for the first time media approached us and asked Jama’at Ahmadiyya’s views here in the UK and also in other places. We told them this was an un-Islamic act and we expressed our commiseration but we maintained that freedom of speech should have limits otherwise those who inflame others’ sentiments are responsible. Here in the UK Jama’at members appeared on SKY News, News 5, BBC Radio, LBC, BBC Leeds and London Live and in USA on Fox TV and CNN. Canadian newspapers also covered our views as did media in Greece, Ireland, France and various papers in USA. Many interviews were carried out in television studios to convey the true Islamic stance. Here Ameer Sahib as well as Imam Sahib Ata ul Rashed were interviewed on television. In USA, Canada and France our representatives appeared on television and papers carried articles written by Ahmadis. Our teams did a good job of discharging their duties everywhere. A Canadian journalist wrote what could be the reason that in spite of being a small sect of Islam Ahmadiyya have been represented so much in the media and conveyed the real teaching of Islam. It is indeed God’s decree that the Jama’at of the true and ardent devotee of the Holy Prophet ï·º is to convey the true teaching of Islam to the world. It is our responsibility and every Ahmadi should convey the message within their own sphere that wrong reactions only produce disorder and the global situation will be inflamed spreading all over. Neither people should be provoked by wrong reactions nor should God’s chastisement be called on through them. Ahamdis have to tread the line of: ‘...O ye who believe! you also invoke blessings on him and salute him with the salutation of peace.’ True believers should try their utmost to abide by this. Just as insight increases, understanding of the wisdom behind matters is attained. It is also Islam’s teaching to attain knowledge. When the insight to abide by God’s commandments is attained practice also improves. In Ahadith the benefits of invoking Durood are mentioned under various narrations: The Holy Prophet ï·º said: On the Day of Judgement the person who sends the most blessings on me will be closest to me. He also said: On the Day of Judgement at each dreadful phase of the Day, that person will be closest to me who would have sent the most blessings on me in the world. The Holy Prophet ï·º said that the Durood of God and His angels was sufficient for him. The practice of invoking Durood is only an opportunity given by God to true believers to garner merit for themselves. Once a man came in the presence of the Holy Prophet ï·º and offered Salat and then prayed: ‘O God forgive me and have mercy on me. The Holy Prophet ï·º said to him that he had been a little hasty. He should have instead glorified and praised God, invoked Durood on the Prophet and then supplicated God. The Holy Prophet ï·º said when you listen to the voice of the muezzin calling for Prayer repeat his words and then invoke Durood on me. The person who invokes Durood has ten-fold blessings from God. The Prophet ï·º also said seek mediation for me as this is a status from among the ranks of Paradise and will only be granted to one servant of God and I have hope that it will be me. Intersession will be halal for whoever will seek mediation for me. Hazrat Umer (may Allah be pleased with him) said that prayer is suspended between the earth and the heavens and unless Durood is invoked on the Holy Prophet ï·º , no part of the prayer goes upwards. The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) laid great emphasis on invoking Durood. Advising one of his followers he said stay focussed in invoking Durood and seek blessings for the Holy Prophet ï·º with the sincerity and discernment with which one seeks blessings for a dear one. Seek with great humility and there should be no pretence in this humility and prayer. Rather pray for the Holy Prophet ï·º with the spirit of true friendship and love. Seek those blessings with sincere heart and soul for the Holy Prophet ï·º which are inherent in Durood. It is a sign of personal love that one never tires, is not disheartened and invokes Durood with no involvement of vested interests and only recites it for Divine blessings for the Holy Prophet ï·º . The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) also said although the Holy Prophet is not in need of anyone’s prayers but there is a very profound reason behind invoking Durood. A person who seeks blessings for another owing to personal love becomes a part of them. The beneficence granted to the person for whom blessings are sought is also granted to the person seeking blessings. And because God’s beneficences on the Holy Prophet ï·º are boundless anyone who invokes Durood on him owing to personal love gets a measure of the boundless blessings. However, very few instances of such spiritual fervour and personal love can be seen. The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) wrote: Observe the sincerity and faithfulness of our Holy Prophet ï·º in how he dealt with every evil scheme. He endured all kind of difficulties and hardships but remained sanguine. It was owing to this sincerity and faithfulness that Allah the Exalted blessed him and stated: ‘Allah and His angels send blessings on the Prophet. O ye who believe! you also invoke blessings on him and salute him with the salutation of peace.’ This verse clearly shows that such were the practices of the Holy Prophet ï·º that Allah the Exalted did not use any special word to praise them or to condense his qualities. Words could be found but were not employed. That is, his blessed practice was far above condensation. No verse of this kind has been used for the glory of any other Prophet. So sincere and pure was his soul and his practices were so cherished in the sight of God that Allah the Exalted commanded for the rest of time that people should invoke Durud on him by way of gratefulness.’ (Report Jalsa Salana pp. 50-51 - Tafseer the Promised Messiah, Vol. III, p. 730) The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said: It became essential to recite Durood in every Salat to enhance love for the Holy Prophet ï·º and to renew it. He also said: ‘Durood is a great source of attaining steadfastness. Recite Durood abundantly, not as a ritual or mere habit but while keeping in view the grace and bounties of the Holy Prophet ï·º . Recite it to elevate his station and for his success. As a result of this you will attain the sweet and delicious fruit of acceptance of prayer.’
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 12:38:53 +0000

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