The Establishment and Purpose of the United Nations THE - TopicsExpress


The Establishment and Purpose of the United Nations THE UNITED NATIONS, A SPURIOUS TARGET AND MISGUIDED ARROW Background and Overview The UNITED NATIONS, an organization of sovereign nations representing almost all of HUMANITY, has its central goal the MAINTENANCE OF INTERNATIONAL PEACE AND SECURITY ( PALESTINE, AFGHANISTAN, IRAQ, SYRIA, LIBYA, NIGERIA, ETC). Its other main purpose under the Charter are to develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the equal rights and self-determination of peoples; to cooperate in solving international economic, social, cultural, and humanitarian problems and in promoting human rights for all; and to be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations in attaining these ends. Is this happening with countries that the WESTERN SOCIETY have devastated for their selfish gains ? If no, what is the importance of UN? It is claimed by the UNITED NATIONS where it has played, and continues to play, an active role in reducing tensions, preventing conflicts or political related problems, there is today a whole range of challenges which can only be dealt with through international cooperation - energy, the environment, outer space, the sea bed, economic and social development, the international trade and many other areas of world concerns. The meeting rooms and corridors at the United Nations Headquarters provide the setting where these and other problems can be discussed and solutions sought, and where the representatives of all member states - great of small, rich or poor, with varying political views and social systems - have a voice and a vote in shaping a common course of action. There are six main organs of the United Nations - The General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the Trusteeship Council, the International Court of Justice and the Secretariat. All are based at United Nations Headquarters in New York, except the Court, which is located in The Hague, in the Netherlands. While Headquarters is the diplomatic crossroads of the world, the United Nations family of organizations, programmes and staff are at work all over the globe. Soon after the signing of the United Nations Charter in San Francisco in 1945, a key decision of the first General Assembly session was to place the permanent headquarters of the Organization in the United States. Subsequently, may sites were considered, but when, in December 1946, the American philanthropist and financier John Rockefeller, Jr., offered a gift of $8.5 million to purchase the EAST River site New York, the General Assembly quickly accepted. New York acquired and gave to the United Nations adjacent land needed to round out the site and deeded streets and waterfronts rights along the East River. The city also contributed generously to a programme of improvements in the area. NOW, with the FALSE DOCTRINE AND MISLEADING FOREIGN POLICY by the So-Called Western Powers, how much have we gained so far from the purpose of the United Nations establishments in Africa, Asia, Middle-East and the South. Lets start with the IMPOSITION AND RESTORATION of DEMOCRACY in Libya, Egypt, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Asian world, Ukraine, Russia, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Nigeria, Nepal etc; what have we gained so far from the false dichotomy and destructible policy? Today, Israel, America and Britain are out there slaughtering innocent children, women and other lives, destroying domestic properties and resources, imposing restrictive policy that provokes economic flights and weaken independent governance which creates smooth pathway for the exploitation of our resources. The United Nations is a spurious target and misguided arrow. Think about it. The United Nations should ensure that, Africa, Asia, the Middle East should be left independent in the distribution and management of their resources. Grants and Loan from World Bank, IMF, DFID, USAID, UKAID, CANADIAN AID, should be left independent for the home government to decide what are its priority and how it should be distributed with donor representatives to ensure that supports are distributed as planned, rather than sending interns and dropouts to follow the same money as a means of job creation. In the end no positive impact is achieved, because all the monies are being utilized by them. Assess the contribution of the Chinese in Africas development to the fake assistance by the Western. Take your foreign policy and leave us independent. Over and Out!
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 10:29:12 +0000

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