The Evil of Surooriyah, a revolutionary off-shoot of the - TopicsExpress


The Evil of Surooriyah, a revolutionary off-shoot of the Khawaarij! Surooriyah is an ascription to its astray founder Muhammad Suroor bin Naayif Zayn-ul-’Aabideen, a takfeeri who ascribes to the ‘aqeedah of the Khawaarij, harbors hatred for the books of ‘Aqeedah, shows and conveys displeasure with the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah, and shows severe hatred and opposition to the genuine scholars of Islaam – whom he slanders for a specific purpose – and Salafees (Ahlus-Sunnah wal Jama’ah) as a whole. Imaam Muqbil (rahimahullaah) said: As for Surooriyyah, then it is an attribution to the brother Muhammad Suroor and he is a Syrian brother. Indeed in the beginning, his condition – the apparent of it was uprightness – and this is the hizbee’s situation. They conceal and don’t reveal what is with them [of deviance] until their strength increases and they know that criticism won’t affect them, then they start to make apparent what is with them gradually. {Taken from the book: Al Majmoo Ath Thamin min Aqwaal An Nasih Al Amin Muhammad Suroor has also been described as: …the notorious innovator, al-mubtadi’, Muhammad Suroor Zainul-Aabideen. In brief, he is from the major heads of the modern-day Khawaarij. His hatred for the scholars is well-known. [He is] likewise well-known for his declaration that all the rulers of every Muslim land are “apostates.” He is currectly being protected by the British authorities and is under political assylum. He is the ‘ideology’ behind the cameleon-like organization based in London called ‘Al-Muntadah Al-Islaamee’. He also is the head of the deviated, Khaarijee publication called ‘As-Sunnah’. A magazine full of the ideas of the innovators and marxist-affected political activists. This magazine is published by another organization headed by him called ‘Dar Al-Arqam’ in Birmingham. The term ‘Surooree’ is given to anyone who adopts the idealogy of this evil innovator. Muhammad Suroor stated in the early nineties that the Scholars – and by direct implication Ibn Baaz and Ibn al-Uthaimeen – were “slaves of the CIA and the Jews.” This Muhammad Suroor is truly a foul individual with foul ideas. He was raised upon the ideas of Sayyid Qutb and Mawdoodee. He stated that the books of ‘Aqeedah of the Salaf are ‘dry’ and useless for our times. Al-Mujaddid Ibn Baaz, rahimahullah, said that this statement would only emanate from an apostate. As for IPO [the deviant publisher who publishes the evil work of Suroor], then they are upon the methodology of Muhammad Suroor. Shaikh Muhammad Nasir-ud-Deen al-Albanee (rahimahullaah) called Suroor’s sect and his supporters The Khawaarij of the Era.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 13:48:08 +0000

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