The Excuse Most guys who fail with women always have an excuse, - TopicsExpress


The Excuse Most guys who fail with women always have an excuse, but most of the time that excuse is merely in their heads. You see, the main reason a lot of guys fail is because of the way they think which has an impact of their behavior. For example, if you think that you will never have a chance at talking to an attractive woman then your actions will be in line with your thoughts. You will give off a “scared” vibe and you probably even won’t approach a woman. On the other hand, the more confident you are in your abilities to charm and attract a woman, the stronger you will appear and the more attractive you will be. Most of the time the shortcomings we imagine we have stop us from acting and they are so deeply ingrained in our psyche that we don’t even realize we have them. The best way for you to overcome this problem is, first, with a little soul searching. You have to identify what the excuse is that has been holding you back so that you can deal with it. Next, you need to educate yourself about women so you know what sparks that feeling of attraction. You see, as soon as you come to understand exactly what women desire then you will be able to project an aura of strength that they will find absolutely irresistible. Every woman has a little girl inside of her longing to be protected and cared for and that little girl is the one who will have the final word. If you begin to understand that little girl and speak to her, showing her that you are in control of every aspect of your life, then women will be attracted to you like a moth to flame. But you absolutely need to accept the fact that you can improve and it is within your power to become more attractive to women. Forget the excuses that nature hasn’t endowed you with Apollo’s beauty or that you can’t compete because you aren’t running a Fortune 500 company. You need to stop the self-pity and start understanding once and for all that if you can make a woman feel good then you will win out over any stud with a Ferrari if he has the personality of a wet rag.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 16:21:35 +0000

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