The Expendables III review: ‘I’m too old for this s–t,” - TopicsExpress


The Expendables III review: ‘I’m too old for this s–t,” Danny Glover famously complained in Lethal Weapon. Well, he didnt see the latest installment of the Expendables, else he would have thought otherwise. Expendables III is highly nostalgic for a 90s kid like me! In a day and age of Michael Bay and Marvel superheroes, heres an action film which celebrates old school combat, minimal CGI and the chance to see all your childhood demi-gods kicking ass. Action flicks, in general, are inherently silly, and this film in particular wears its lack of logic as a badge of honor. Though there are enough explosions and cuss-words to cover up for lack of plot or a premise, the atrociously huge star-cast seems to be sleep walking to a fat pay-check. Wish they had Liam Neeson as well, pulling off those one-liners with elan before dumping his victims. Mel Gibson is good as the deliciously wicked villain, Stallone struts with a constipated look all throughout, and Arnold Schwarzenegger is wasted in an inconsequential role. The rest of the cast is a mix of various single dimensional characters and caricatures, nothing special to look forward to. Watch it with a big bunch of old friends to relive the days when we would eagerly wait for a rerun of Terminator 2 on Star Movies. Female readers may steer clear of this one. Rating: ** 1/2 #TheExpendables #Stallone
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 06:17:19 +0000

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