The Experiences of The Throne of GOD, Audio sermon by our beloved - TopicsExpress


The Experiences of The Throne of GOD, Audio sermon by our beloved Pastor, Pas Stephen. Download using the link: Summary of the sermon: What is this throne? It is not literal throne, or the throne in heaven, but it is the highest position our LORD is giving us, even this is the desire of Angels. This throne is given to the people who overcome. The kings only can sit on the throne, Rev 1:6, CHRIST JESUS had made us as kings and priests before GOD, as JESUS is king of kings, who overcame everything and sat on the throne, likewise those who overcome can sit in the throne. The throne is showing the new Jerusalem and Zion. If you want to sit in the throne of GOD, or you want to sit in new Jerusalem and Zion, we should have certain experiences. How is this throne made up of, What is the quality of this throne if we see. In Isa 16:5, This throne is established by mercy of GOD. By our iniquities, we are not consumed, but by grace HE is showing mercy, HE is not punishing but because of HIS mercy, he is forgiving us. To see the mercy of GOD, we should confess our sins, humble ourselves and approach the throne of mercy, the GOD forgive our sins. Titus 3:5, by washing (water Baptism) and regeneration of HOLY SPIRIT, HE had saved us, these are the primary steps in order to become overcomers and inherit the throne of GOD. The experience of Throne can be got when we stay in fellowship of Apostles; Psalm 97:2, after getting baptized, we should come to a right fellowship, Jer 6:16, we should stand in the path, and know the path which is old, and good path, then if you walk in it, you will receive rest, so we need a good fellowship of sains, then only we can walk in the path and grow. Acts 2: When Apostle Peter spoke the word of GOD, all those who received waters of Baptism, came to the fellowship of Apostles. To inherit the throne of GOD, we need to be in fellowship of saints. Jer 3:17, Jerusalem is know as throne of GOD, which is a fellowhip, a church, which shows the fellowship of Apostles, and which is Jerusalem on earth Gal 4:26. Righteousness and Judgement are the foundations of the throne, Psalm 97:2, To sit in the throne of GOD we need righteousness, holiness, and eligibility. When we walk according to the truth, we are called Righteous nation. Rom 1:17, going from righteous means going from faith to faith, Just shall live by faith. When we lead a faith life, we receive the righteousness of GOD. We should live by faith, during our disease, through faith we should receive healing, when we go through the fiery trials and in sickness we should exercise our faith and overcome it. If we dont have faith through healing, how can we have faith that our vile body is resurrected. If we fight a good fight we can inherit the throne of righteousness. Heb 3:9, My righteousness will come from faith in CHRIST. To inherit the throne of Righteousness, we should inherit the righteousness of our LORD. To inherit we need seven steps of Salvation: 1 King 10:1-18, we can see the throne of Solmon, which is made of ivory and overlaid it with best gold, This pure gold is most holy faith, to step into the most holy place, we need a most holy faith, we should have it and preserve it. Ivory speaks about, incorruptible, precious and holy, after elephant is dead this ivory can be taken out, so if we die for sin and lusts of flesh, we can be made holy, and this will make us precious in the sight of GOD, I king 10:19, the throne has 6 steps, chains on either side and two, lions were there, so these are steps of salvation, to climb each step we need faith. To receive salvation, to take waters of baptism, receiving HOLY SPIRIT, standing for divine healing, suffering for JESUS CHRIST, sanctification, Redemption of Body. We are being preserved by the power of GOD, to climb the seventh step, which is laid around the throne, and when we climb on it, its the end of our faith, and it is the fruit of faith. 1Pter 1:8-9, end of the faith, is salvation of our soul, which is final salvation, the we become inheriters of the throne. The throne of HIS Glory, Glorious Throne: Mathew 25:31, How can we receive the glory of GOD is through suffering, the path of glory is made established through suffering, JESUS CHRIST suffered in mind and body, many people would like to inherit the throne but dont want to suffer. When we go through these suffering, shame and reproach for the sake of our JESUS, we will be transformed into HIS glory, so when we go through these sufferings we should rejoice. Dont look at suffering but look at JESUS, look at glory you receive Rom 8:17, we suffer with HIM, so that we may be glorified along with HIM.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 03:21:00 +0000

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