The Exposition of The Exposition of the Divine Principle - Part - TopicsExpress


The Exposition of The Exposition of the Divine Principle - Part I Jhun and Gelyn - WA May 26, 2013 Before going through the discussion of the issues regarding the view point of EDP on Gen 1:26, I would like to tell the Unification church family that I am not doing this just to gain fame or just trying to confuse the Unification Church, but it is my duty to tell the truth as Rev Moon told us to do so. I know that the problem of the Unification Church today is very complicated; they struggled so hard to be a competent member in front of Rev Moon but never tried to be competent human being in front of God. These are the reasons why none of them realized that the leadership of the Unification Church in God’s providence of restoration is over because base on their limited providential viewpoint perfection is not going to happen. Though the sign has been exposed to them very clearly, but they aren’t willing to study or even to investigate the call, instead, they kept the old ways of faith that is not very helpful to their young generation. The basis of the following discussion is taken on the account of the Exposition of the Divine Principle page 62, Section II 2.1 Angels, Their Missions and Their Relationship to Human Beings EDP says: Like all beings, angels were created by God. God created them prior to any other creation. In the biblical account of the creation of heaven and earth, we find that God spoke in plural: “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.” 30(Gen. 1:26) CEV|KJ|NI It is not because God was referring to Himself as the Holy Trinity, as many theologians have interpreted the passage. Rather, He was speaking to the angels, whom He had created before human beings. First of all, if a good husband wanted to have children, to whom he would like to tell his plan, to his wife or to the servants? If God was speaking to the Angels in Genesis 1:26 based on the EDP account, we can immediately conclude that the Angels were also the co-creator of God to the Human Beings? Considering the fact that EDP is correct, it seems that God recognized AA Lucifer as his co-master to Adam and Eve. If that is so, then there is no reason for God to put Adam and Eve into the way of Indemnity because we cannot consider their mistakes as a Fall, simply because, being involved to the making of the Universe including the human beings, AAL also has the authority to give direction to Adam and Eve. Therefore, its interpretation is a mistaken concept. The interpretation of the EDP on Gen. 1:26 is very regrettable if I am the author. Indeed, it is very logical that Father God was actually talking to his only bride in the Spirit World, The Holy Mother God. The explanation of EDP in Genesis 1:26 can be interpreted as the Prince in heaven was proposing a marriage to one of his servants by saying “Will you marry me my servant?” and after the said marriage proposal has been accepted, the Prince in heaven told the servant to conceive his desired children “Let us now make lots of children and they should be look like you and me, male and female.” This interpretation of EDP becomes the greatest problem of Father God to introduce the era of Mother God. But the Holy Spirit Mother God providence is unstoppable; therefore, by rejecting her existence is definitely a spiritual catastrophe. If the Unification Church family will resolute that the interpretation of EDP on the issues particularly in Gen. 1:26 is correct, then, what do you think brothers and sisters, the human beings were created from the very beginning with permanent blood of Satan? If that is so, then, why we are struggling and must undergo the suffering course to fulfil the providence of restoration? Why do we need to be repentful whenever we committed sins if we are design for it? How can we call ourselves children of God if we are also the children of Satan? If the Angels were involved in the creation of the universe and the human beings as clearly emphasized by EDP, we can also call Satan as second god and whatever outcome on human beings physical and spiritual life today, God should have been satisfied. But why God’s heart was broken after the fall? Please think deeply about it brothers and sisters. If the Unification Church reaffirm that EDP is correct on that particular issue on Genesis 1:26, who do you think would be the bride of God? Is it Satan? Who would take the Position of Mother to Adam, Eve and the whole humanity, is it Satan? Brothers and Sisters, EDP gives us an incredible guidance on God’s Providence of Restoration, but it has lots of mistaken theory that needs immediate attention for correction. Otherwise, those mistakes will certainly lead the whole Unification Church family to block God’s Providence of Perfection. In fact, as we can see today, the church is fully stagnant or even moving backward. They can not justify to any providential advancement, and yet, they are still dealing with issues which are not really useful to the healthy future of the younger generation which is the most important of all. The unexpected God’s Providence Taken from the Introduction of the Exposition of the Divine Principle page 7 of the second paragraph, it says: “It may be displeasing to religious believers, especially to Christians, to learn that a new expression of truth must appear. They believe that the scriptures they have are already Perfect and Flawless. Certainly, truth itself is unique, eternal, immutable and absolute. Scriptures, however, are not the truth itself, but are textbooks teaching the truth. They were given at various times in history as humankind developed both spiritually and intellectually. The depth and extent of teaching and the method of expressing the truth naturally varied according to each age. Consequently, we must never regard such textbooks as absolute in every detail.” 4(cf. Eschatology 5) The Old and New Testament represents the painful history of God’s providence. Record in details of immorality, infidelity, having multiple wives, having relationship between the family, records of failure to every central person, stoning of someone as punishment, persecution and killing of prophets, bullying on the innocent minority believers, corruptions, hypocrisy, indescribable arrogance, ignorance to the developments of God’s providence, using God’s word for their own benefits and even murdering the Messiah. These records support the viewpoint of the EDP that the whole text in the bible should not be regarded as absolute Truth in every detail. However, the Unification Church repeated the similar history of failure, unaware that they are also on the same tracks as of that of Christianity, the church also insists that the Exposition of the Divine Principle is already Perfect and Flawless despite the fact that the EDP is totally dependent on the Principle of Restoration. Certainly, this kind of doctrine will secure the position of the Unification Church to be the next biggest problem of God’s providence, most especially, if God’s providence evolves higher than the expectation of the Exposition of the Divine Principle. By proclaiming that EDP is the absolute truth, is an indication that the Unification Church itself doesn’t really know the true meaning of the absolute truth. When God told Rev. Moon to find the Mother God, no one in the Unification Church had ever realized that God is about to steers the providence away from what they believed today. By just reading Father’s revelations, I can immediately sense that Father God in Heaven is worried, he was like saying “Hey! Rev Moon, you are now 92 and yet you still not aware on the existence of Mother God. I tell you son that Mother God does really exist. You have to find her right now because your time is getting shorter. And remember son that the Word of the greatest Mother in heaven cannot be found in your book or to any other books because the Holy Spirit Mother God Principle is yet to be revealed.” Since Rev Moon was told by Heavenly Father to find the Holy Mother God, of course the Mother’s Kingdom is already in progress. “Why did Father God would tell his son Rev. Moon to find Heavenly Mother if the Greatest Mother in Heaven doesn’t really exist? Definitely, the purpose of the heavenly direction for Rev Moon was not just simply to meet the long lost Mother, but it was also a reminder to him on his biggest responsibility for the safe homecoming of the Holy Mother God. If Rev. Moon found the Principle of Mother God as he was told by Father God during his earthly life, it could have been very easy for his people to understand and accept the existence of the Holy Mother in Heaven. The Blessing of Perfection for the second generation could have been realized, the Blessing of Perfection for all Blessed families could have been fully implemented, the Principle of Mother God could have been expanded towards other religions and it could have been the beginning of the establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven. But, it is very difficult to understand why we never have found any clue from Father that he gave mandatory and clear direction for all members to find the Holy Spirit Mother God as he was asked to by Heavenly Father God. As a result, the Unification Church that are supposed to be the most prepared people to welcome the Greatest Mother in Heaven are extremely ignorant of her existence; she was immediately rejected and left alone. What they don’t realize is that, by rejecting the existence of Mother God is a very serious providential setback to the entire Unification family. Look at their reality now. The last and greatest mission of the Messiah Certainly, the ultimate responsibility of Father is firstly to embrace the Principle of the Holy Mother God, then, secondly to introduce that Principle to his people; this is the greatest mission of the Messiah. In that way, the Holy Spirit Mother God’s providence of perfection will expand rapidly in a very short period of time. But unfortunately it never happen, Rev Moon died without fulfilling the direction from Father God as he was directed. He died without having much word about the existence of Mother God because he himself doesn’t have clear understanding on the existence of the Holy Spirit Mother. Then the unthinkable event happens, the Unification Church proclaimed that Mother Hak Ja Han Moon is the Holy Mother God but fall short to elaborate the details on her position base on the Principle, an evidence that they are not so careful in dealing with God’s providence. Considering that Mother HJHM is the Mother God, why would Rev Moon wasting his time looking for Mother God if they are living together everyday? Why would Father God would tell Rev Moon to Find the Mother God if Rev Moon knows exactly who Mother God is? If Mother HJHM is the Mother God, is she the Mother of Adam and Eve? Is she was one with God before any other created beings? If the Unification Church insists that Mother HJHM is the Mother God, they should present the blueprint of the Holy Spirit providence. They should present the Principle of the Blessing of Perfection for the Blessed Couples, particularly the Blessing of perfection for the second generation. Mother HJHM is not the Mother God; in fact, she needs the blessing of perfection from Mother God. My questions are: Who proclaimed that Mother HJHM is the Mother God? Is it Father God in Heaven? Is it Mother HJHM herself or the people who are clinging on their position of which their status are in danger to be removed as a result of the struggle of leadership in the Unification church? I just want to make clear on my statement here, I am referring to the Mother God who exist before any other created Beings, the Holy Mother who conceived the first human beings, the Mother God who is the owner of life to the whole humanity. The Mother God in heaven who longed for such a very long time to see the Blessed Children and gather them together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but it’s extremely shocking to find out that no one is willing to know and accept her existence. Due to the mistakes of EDP in explaining the reality in Gen 1: 26, the Unification Church directly rejected and persecutes their very own providence, the Providence of perfection headed by the Holy Spirit Mother God. But I would like to be bold in telling them, the time has come that the younger generation shall see visions but the old ones who keep their old ways of faith shall dream dreams. Thanks for reading, Jhun and Gelyn - WA
Posted on: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 05:08:26 +0000

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