The FBI has censored and modified hundreds of pages of materials - TopicsExpress


The FBI has censored and modified hundreds of pages of materials to satisfy Muslim critics, including a change that was made because an agency “expert” insisted the Quran “is the revealed word of God.” The details come from Judicial Watch, which obtained documentation of the hundreds of pages of FBI memos, training documents and other paperwork that the agency purged on the demands of Muslims. Ads by GoogleComing Economic Collapse 18 Critical Items You Need To Prepare, Tomorrow May Be Too Late WealthDaily/Economic_CollapseGold Price Falls to $750 Why The Gold Price Will Fall to $750. Steps You Need to Take NOW. Survive-Prosper“The FBI is rewriting history in order to help al-Qaida,” said Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton. “This shows that the law enforcement agency is in need of serious top-to-bottom reform.” Fitton said a lesson learned from the Boston Marathon terrorist attack is that the country is less safe when it allows radical Muslim organizations to tell the FBI how to train its agents and do its job. “The FBI’s purge of so-called ‘offensive’ material is political correctness run amok, and it puts the nation at risk,” he said. “The Obama administration needs to stop putting the tender sensibilities of radical Islamists above the safety of the American people.” The organization recently released hundreds of pages of documents from the FBI that demonstrate the effort to purge from anti-terrorism training materials and curriculum anything that a number of unidentified “subject matter experts” deemed “offensive” to Muslims. For example, according to Judicial Watch, one expert insisted that a particular slide in a training program describing the Quran as the teachings of Muhammad be removed or changed. The reason? “The Quran is not the teachings of the prophet,” wrote the expert, “but the revealed word of God.” According to Judicial Watch, another criticism was leveled against a particular article because it “inaccurately argues the Muslim Brotherhood is a terrorist organization.” Also, another document “inaccurately states” that al-Qaida “is responsible for the bombing of the Khobar Towers and that AQ is ‘clearly linked’ to the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center.” Judicial Watch got the materials in two deliveries earlier this year following a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit that was filed last July. The original request for the documents, made March 7, 2012, asked for records regarding a Feb. 8, 2012, meeting that FBI Director Robert Mueller set up with various Muslim organizations. Judicial Watch wanted “any and all records setting criteria or guidelines for FBI curricula on Islam or records identifying potentially offensive material with in the FBI curricula on Islam.” Judicial Watch explained: “During the February 8 meeting, Mueller reportedly assured the Islamic groups in attendance that the agency had ordered the removal of presentations and curricula on Islam from FBI offices around the country that were deemed ‘offensive.’ As reported by NPR: ‘The FBI has completed a review of offensive training material and has purged 876 pages and 392 presentations, according to a briefing provided to lawmakers.’” Read more at wnd/2013/06/fbi-expert-quran-is-revealed-word-of-god/#tTofqy1Oo1kwyheQ.99
Posted on: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 23:10:20 +0000

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