The FBI wiped/altered his file...Something that does not happen - TopicsExpress


The FBI wiped/altered his file...Something that does not happen unless there is a directive from someone very high up...This man visited the White House 7 times...Michelle Obama visited this man, who was caught running from the scene of the bombing and held as a suspect until after Michelle Obama visited him in his Boston hospital room, a visit he posted pictures of on his FB page, and pictures which are now being erased off the interet...After her visit to him, and NOT the man who lost both his legs and identified one of the terrrists, this man who was on the FBI watchlist was now released to go back to Syria...which he did immediately... Obama forces military to hire Muslim Brotherhood Chaplains for the our military...Obama funded muslim terrorist with billions of our tax dollars...Obama refuses to protect our borders...Obama trades 5 terrorist leaders (of the same clan as the young man Michelle Obama visited afer the Boston Bombing, the same young man who visited the White House 7 times) for a army deserter, and treats him like a hero upon his return...One of those 5 is leading ISIS and is responsible for the murder and behadings of thousands of Iraqi Christians...One last word, Benghazi...Folks if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, its a duck! Barak Hussein Obama and Michelle Obama are traitors and actively trying to destory America! Its time to deal with these traitors...and time to kick the muslim trash out of our nation...for the sake of our children and grandchildren! There is no such thing as a moderate muslim, they are all part of the Islam team whether they cheer from the sidelines or are carrying the swords and carrying out the murders...
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 19:38:55 +0000

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