The FINAL PART, the END OF THE GAME The origin of the mind - TopicsExpress


The FINAL PART, the END OF THE GAME The origin of the mind control programming is designed in the time of Atlantis. During that time there was pure Oneness on the earth. The earth is created from this Oneness field, like we. We are pure Oneness, pure light, pure Crystal light, always. Also now. During the time of Atlantis an experimental programming was created. From this pure infinite light and Oneness the beings had the idea that is would be a great experience to create a short of a game where you are allowed to experience emotions. So a programming was created called: The Game. This programming was simple said creating the dark and the light, good and bad. Thats the basis. So everyone voluntairly wanted to join The Game to experience how it is to have a bad life; manipulation, greed, violance etc. and how it is to have a good life; very giving, always helping others, be always good. The idea is to only have an experience, not to identify with it. In the original programming it was included that there should be a balance between good and bad, like yin/yang. Furthermore one of the other rules of The Game is that you go in, but its not allowed to interfere from the Oneness field. What happened is the following: Say you are pure light from this Oneness field and you say, I will enter this Game having a good life, at the light side. So you live a very good life and you have a fantastic experience. Then you say: now I want to experience a dark life. So you have a very dark life, killed people, manipulated everyone and you were very greedy. You were really living the experience. But as an experience, not as identification... But with many of you this happened: You said: I will choose a dark life this time. But while having this dark life you felt not comfortable with it and you were actually hoping the light/good would win the battle (as in a game) or feel quilty afterwards. By doing this you took yourself out of your alignment, out of your own power. Because you decided yourself you wanted this dark life for experience, but by identifying with it and especially rejecting it, you are rejecting your own essence, since it was your true essence who wanted this experience..... Now its the task of the mind controlling programming to keep you in the mind controlling program and it is your own task to not identify with emotions since you are pure light and from the field of Oneness. The Game is to an end now since it has no purpose anymore. We will all go back to our own pure light and essence of Oneness and the earth will go back to Oneness as well through its own zeropoint. But the timing is depending on yourself. So you need to understand that the purpose for us is to go back into Oneness/Christlight. Not to identify with good or bad or with any emotion that keeps you stuck. There is no new era of love and peace and there is no new era of darkness you see. That is just what the mind controlling programming wants you to believe so you keep playing the game of good/bad or dark/light. The purpose of the mind controlling programming is to simply keep you in the game as you can always take yourself out by ALLOWING yourself to be your own true light. So if you identify with a new era of love/peace and the emotions with it you keep yourself stuck in the game. Some tips to come into the Oneness: - stop with all activities that focus on the mind, like creating from the mind, mind quiting, all these mindexercises are from the mind programming to keep you out of your heart. Its through your heart you will go back into Oneness. You only need your mind for simple things like sending an email or doing some simple daily stuff. - Stop with asking and intending excercise, because on this is a charge that keeps you in the game. You need to ALLOW the Christ light to dissolve ..... issue or programming from your body for instance. - Stop with releasing actively, like I release this....because this has the charge of judgement of it. You say that you dont agree with it, which means identification, which means more stuck. You need to allow the emotions. In the beginning you can ask the Oneness energy or Crystal energy from the center of creation to ALLOW certain things to dissolve within it...but at the end you need to be able to feel anger in your body and just notice it as emotion anger without identification that is bad and needs to be released immediatly. You can say, I feel anger in my stomic and I bring my presence and conciousness to this anger at my stomic. By doing this I make pure contact with my body, which IS my emotional system. It is as it is. No judgement. Just presence. - Stop immediatly with connecting with energy/things /books outside yourself. I mean EVERYTHING. If you want to be your own essence again you need to stop really reaching for things outside yourself. YES, also Archangel Michael. This is also part of mind controlling programming to make you believe you need to have a more powerful being outside of you to save/protect you. Your essence is ONENESS, which means purity of 1, which means impenetrable. - Work only with the energy of Oneness/Christ light/ your own pure essence, which is all of the same. So work only with your OWN LIGHT AND ESSENCE TO HEAL YOU OR TO ALLOW YOURSELF TO BE HEALED BY YOUR OWN ESSENCE!!!!! - We feel now, at this moment, that the closest work you can use maybe to guide you is the work of Eckhart Tolle. Since he is teaching TO BE presence. From Annelies&Maarten
Posted on: Fri, 16 Aug 2013 09:10:01 +0000

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