The FOXES have entered the hen house. Anthony Weiners Wife... - TopicsExpress


The FOXES have entered the hen house. Anthony Weiners Wife... Ive especially wondered about a Muslim marrying a Jew. Thats just not normal. AND WHAT IS THE REST OF THE STORY ??? Have you given any thought lately as to why Huma Abedin is standing by her man -- Anthony Weiner. Yes, this the politician who exposed himself to numerous women and was forced to resign from the House of Representatives. Yes, the same pervert who was running for Mayor of New York. Heres the real story: Huma worked for a journal which promotes Islamic supremacist ideology which was founded by al-Quaida financier, Abdullah Omar Nasseef. During this same time, about seven years, she also worked for Hillary Clinton, (you know her...the what difference does it make lady). Naseef also headed up the Muslim World League, a leading Muslim Brotherhood organization. The name of the publication, the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, was first edited by Humas father, Syed Abedin, and now by her mother, Saleha Abedin. Saleha is a member of the Muslim Sisterhood and also directs an organization, The International Islamic Committee for Woman and Child, that comes under the umbrella of the Union for Good, a U. S.- designated terrorist organization. The Union for Good is led by Sheik Yusef al-Qaradawi, the notorious Muslim Brotherhood jurist who has issued fatwas calling for the killing of American military and support personnel in Iraq as well as suicide bombings in Israel. One wonders how Huma Abedin with her family associations was able to receive security clearance to work with the Secretary of State. One wonders, too, what influence she had over U. S. policy-making while in this position, Deputy Chief of Staff. What do you want me to believe? That it was just a coincidence that she married an up and coming Jew to Congress? That she really was in love with him? Isnt it also interesting that her family never denounced her for marrying a Jew? Is it coincidence that she forgave him just like her boss, Hillary, forgave Bill for his transgressions? We know that Hillary did it because of her own political ambitions and the heady taste of power. Is it power that Huma wants? Or, is it because she is a Muslim Brotherhood plant and has been ordered to do what THEY want her to do? Look whos new in the white house! Arif Alikhan - Assistant Secretary for Policy Development for the U. S. Department of Homeland Security Mohammed Elibiary - Homeland Security Adviser Rashad Hussain - Special Envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) Salam al-Marayati - Obama Adviser and founder of the Muslim P ublic Affairs Council and is its current executive director Imam Mohamed Magid - Obamas Sharia Czar from the Islamic Society of North America Eboo Patel - Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships This is flat-out scary!!! The foxes are now officially living in the hen house... Now ask me why I am very concerned!!! Do you feel OK with this??? It wasnt 19 Lutherans that hijacked our planes on 9-11. How can this happen, and when will we wake up??? Go ahead, look it up for yourself. We are quiet while our Country is being drastically changed!!! (or are you one of those who voted for CHANGE?) If youre not CONCERNED, DELETE this. Go to bed tonight... sleep well! Otherwise-get the word out! Weve got to have some relief starting with the 2014 Elections! Freedom is Not Free!
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 13:40:27 +0000

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