The Fall of the American Empire (A Failure of Capitalism & Crisis - TopicsExpress


The Fall of the American Empire (A Failure of Capitalism & Crisis For The Majority Poor) Common Sense for 2012+ Like Thomas Paine 1) Currently the U.S. Lacks Natural Resources For Cheap Exploitation Today That is Why It Fails! “We The People” are the new resource that they exploit. Except now like in the times of England’s rule the poor lower class majority does not have representation in a meaningful way as PAC groups buy our governments representation and souls over “We the People”. 2) Also the American couples do not Love with real affection. The male female relationship is destroyed in every meaningful way. Why defend this type of woman or man?? There is NO reason to build a future if your family is to be torn asunder by a system that reward those who step out of their relationships after the words “I do” are uttered. Breaking of marriages and children’s lives is abhorrent to any process of building families and futures. There is NO reason to support a system that allows the women to split from the men after they say “I do” too. There are no repercussions or expectations of responsibility. So they just take our children and run off. Why work or fight for such a place really????? 3) There is NO way to make it in American Capitalism as it exists now, so why even try….to make the rich richer??? This question answers itself as the majority of us know the truth. I won’t work for the rich and unless the pay is great (like what Warren Buffet pays his valued employees) I say leave the sorry so and so’s to fend for themselves in personal protection and protection of the net worth whether land, stocks, businesses, etc…..let them hire their own security as our sons and daughters will just be killed to make them richer in our military. Let the rich die and maybe the next group of businessmen/women will pay better and keep the jobs at home. Capitalism thrives when it has natural resources to exploit. Instead of exploiting sun, wind, and tidal plus whatever else we can come up with using Nuclear only as a bridge to get to these power sources the government and big business stay with OIL and exploit “The People” too to get their pound of taxable income. They want our taxes on gas to use roads when in reality it is entirely possible to go another direction; if we just can get off the baby bottle of big OIL industry except for railroads and the military. How about a rail system dropping goods at strategic locations set about the country from which trucks distribute the goods on shorter hauls, instead of endless trucks plugging the highways and polluting coast to coast? This is a historical time as we need to change like when the government stayed with the Railroads too long giving them tax breaks after their best years were over. Steel and coal can be looked at in just the same way. They served the nation peaked in production and usefulness and now they are just cogs in a bigger economy. In the 1920’s Railroads were being supplanted by trucks and they didn’t like it like and now we should reverse that with fuel costs for trains less than trucking. Now big oil hates their reputation and have a pollution problem as well as a demand issue. In the wake of the Gulf Oil Disaster and the Exxon Valdez we can’t trust them at all as they seem to think slip shod and lowest costs is how we are going to allow them to function while they charge us all 300% markup on gas as the executives and share holders pay themselves exorbitantly. Natural resources are no LONGER abundant and CHEAP and something we can rely on. Now all the government and capitalisms big corporations have to exploit is “We the People!!” by working us longer hours and much much lower pay compared to our forefathers. I can’t support this and I think many of you feel the same. 4) Big military is killing our Tax income. The military industrial complex takes more than its fair share, where is their patriotism when it comes to setting the prices for the products. Lets see if you can support what I know that I will never support them again even with a part time job. I can’t afford any more B-1 bombers, or Ospreys Programs, or new stealth whatever. I can’t afford rent under your system working 40 hour weeks. There is NO way one nation can Police the world financially no matter how much we would wish otherwise. Now we are involved in religious wars of persecution as the Torturer President allowed us to take on Iraq not with a Coalition of the Willing but made us all pay for his war mongering ways. I can’t afford war, can YOU???? 5) Why work more, as I know first hand that low paying jobs just feel like slavery?? They want our lunch hours and breaks, and they want our weekends and personal time. Better to be a farmer and off the grid leaving them nothing to tax or work. I have known for years that if I don’t do what a boss says even if they are asking you to come in early, work thru lunch or a weekend saying NO often would lead to ramifications on the job or the need to find a new job. Why work for them? It truly would be better to be a farmer. Our representation has been bought and paid for by PAC groups & Corporations, and we need to get it back by using the law if it can see the calamity that is going to happen if “We the Poor/Middle Class People” in majority are taken care of over the rich and greedy few. It is very much an act of treason facilitated by laws passed by congress to allow them to do this very thing through Lobbyists and PAC’s. Senators and congressmen getting paid for their next election not by the will and money of the people they represent, but by the PAC and whatever group they represent foreign or domestic. I ask the military are you not supposed to protect us from enemies foreign or domestic??? Isn’t it treason to take money from a foreign power whether thru a PAC or not?? It is time to end this with the people asking for Treason to be the charge on any money from foreign backers whether thru a PAC or not. If the current congressional group doesn’t see fit to end this type of payola then we elect a whole new batch. Our government even gives grants to some nations that may come back to them when they are coming up for re-election. There is NO reason to serve such people and personally I won’t even take part time employment until it is treason to take PAC money. Now if the PAC’s just want to pool their money and let all candidates take a % based on poll numbers that might work (unless they owned the polling agencies), but they wouldn’t would they because they couldn’t go to this or that congressperson or senator and say now you can help me and my industry or belief system out. There is no reason to pay such people more and it should be Treason to take PAC money and pay them off later with favors no matter how obsequiously they are given. A)_Currently ONE 40 Hour job or jobs does NOT = Rent, Utilities, Food, Phone, Car, etc.. so why work harder For one person, much less a family there is no reason to strive as our payroll taxes just go up and up as we earn more. I also have worked 60+ hours per week and I know that it is just slavery to the few and the rich that profit from our harder work. Also America was and is living on credit (except me) and when 10%+ of your income is going to a group of banks that just failed and got bailed out by us all there is NO reason to carry credit at all. Pay cash and you styme the whole system of credit that the banks use to lobby with. Also, there is NO reason to continue working for an endless parade of high priced government, military, doctors, lawyers, realtors, and the elite. There is a no reason to keep putting forth effort for the endless injustices of the Greedy few. Their wages should be lowered to reflect the lower taxes we are taking in and any of them who become lobbyists or sell insider knowledge should face charges of treason period. Quick trials and no mercy for any person in positions of power taking a bribe, and such groups (and their families) should not be allowed to have out of country bank accounts as they conceal income to avoid taxes. Tax evasion is really treason by another name for the wealthy few aka the 1%. This is simple math and as each generation sees the inbuilt inequities of the system with regard to wage levels they will act with their feet or just stop trying. As long as the high wages paid by profession is so askew in favor of Doctors, Lawyers, Realtors, and credentialed college graduates there is no need to go on as success is beyond so many of us. Lets see how it turns out for them when the dollar bill is only good for toilet paper as we stop working for Republicans and narcissistic businessmen. These groups earn far more than what comes from the poorer classes. Eventually they will come down in cost per hour for their time as NO one will be able to pay them except the PAC’s and corporations. There is no reason to try for such people. The republicans started with the Class warfare thing so I think it only right that I mention that the many will always take down the few. Class warfare may happen one day just like it did in France in the 1880’s. The ruling classes there were taken forth to the “National Electric Razor” and their rule came to an end. Doesn’t the U.S. look like it is headed for such a correction now as the poor find paying for their bread and cheese costing more and more of their wage. Mass murder to get the ruling classes to see that they can not continue with a status quo that eliminates the middle class??? Class warfare is in the offing if nothing is done, and nothing is being done by the PAC of the groups I detail below as they represent each group detailed below is trying to skew tax rates in the favor of the professionals of this nation. Why send our children to fight and die for such groups if their services are so beyond most of our budgets????
Posted on: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 02:55:05 +0000

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