The Family truth part 4 Me and Rose Ann I love the Lone Ranger - TopicsExpress


The Family truth part 4 Me and Rose Ann I love the Lone Ranger – and I am going to kill you! Sometime, probably about 1955-56 when I was about 3 or 4, we moved into a 3 bedroom house somewhere in Belmont. I loved that house. There was a barbed wire fence in our back yard, and beyond the fence a prairie field. I would go out in the yard and find the most interesting bugs out there. I would find one I never saw before – nearly every single day. I still get excited about seeing bugs that I never saw before – even to this day. They are such powerful magic for making girls shut up! This was an observation I had eventually made from the pool party incident. Every once, in a while I still find some weird bugs here where I now live in the woods in Manassas which I would like to tell all of you sometime. It was so exciting for me to find bugs that I never saw before because they were really powerful for making girls shut up. I guess I was kind of superstitious about what kind of bug I threw on Rose Ann because some bugs made her shut up longer then others, I observed, with my best scientific Phil imitation. I got this great idea from thinking about what scientific Phil would do. I would save many different kinds of bugs in jars just for throwing on Rose Ann when I couldnt find any by the fence. If I needed a special bug I would certainly save those kind in a jar to throw on Rose Ann on special occasions. But how was going to know which type of bugs were special and which didnt work as well? I would have to try with different kinds, I decided, like Phil might do. I found out that ants dont work all that great, but a praying mantis was the best but hard to find. Bees work very well, but I am afraid of their stingers so I would pull them off before saving them in a jar. The bees only lived a few days. I also learned from other boys that worms were great even though they arent really insects. They were easy to save in a jar, but I decided to put them in my moms house plants because she said worms were good for flowers. I began to wonder if there might be something I could throw on Rose Ann to make her be my slave forever. That way, I could make her shutup just by command. I loved that idea and would fantasize what I would make her do as my slave. But that fantasy didnt last very long - I would just be happy if she would just shutup and leave me alone sometimes. Thats when I decided that I should only use my special powers for self-defense. This was definitely something “dumb boys did” I would ironically think to myself. What a fitting revenge I would have! And it worked to make Rose Ann shut up and leave me alone. Revenge would be awesome! She would get very annoyed at me when she would start saying, “that’s what dumb boys do” and I reach in my pocket for the special bug I was saving just for her for this very occasion. Eventually, when she saw me reach into my pocket – she knew what was coming next – so she would go away and leave me alone. It was like pulling my gun out of holster and pointing it at her like I saw the cowboys do on TV. So, finally, I had managed to find a way to make Rose Ann to quit “bugging me” – I would just bug her back with a real bug. I felt very powerful that I had conquered my enemy forever. I was very happy to get on with my life and my own private interests in contemplating life. I would think about such things like: what happens to me when I go to sleep - where does it/I go and why cant I remember that clearly? Little did I know that Rose Ann would come up with a new technique to annoy me – something much quicker than following me around saying, “that’s what dumb boys do”, to nauseating infinitum. She just made fun of things I loved. That worked very well for her. My defense against that tactic was simply not to love anything too much – because if I did Rose Ann would turn that love into a weapon to blackmail me to do what she wanted or just annoy me for the fun of it. It wasn’t a great solution but it was practical solution for that time and still is to me. I still try not to love anyone or anything too much, but I make a few exceptions. Sometimes, for me its very hard especially with family to not love them too much - just because I like the irrational premise of family love. It is not logical! It was something families could share with no good reason except that they were born in the same family. I am just an old softie at heart except with people who threaten my chosen way of life. I only imitate those that I love, and love those that I imitate. I did not watch TV often because they didn’t have any good TV shows to watch on a regular basis - until there was this one show, The Lone Ranger, that I found fascinating. Back in those days, cowboys were the big trend and every boy dreamed of having his own cap pistol, cowboy hat and boots - owning a horse would have been beyond belief!. They would show the old cowboy movies like Hop a Long Cassidy, Roy Rogers and this one new TV show, the Lone Ranger. I just loved that show to death because, not only was it about cowboys and Indians (Tonto), but every episode had a lesson in it about beating the bad guys with wit and good shooting. Yay! Also, Tonto was the very first good Indian, I ever saw on TV that I could remember. I like the idea that the Lone Ranger looked like a criminal (the mask) but did good deeds. People would often assume that he was going to rob them just because he was wearing a mask, but at the end of the show as the Lone Ranger would ride away, someone would say, “Who was that masked man?”, and someone else would say – “that’s the Lone Ranger!!! I knew that I wanted to grow up and be the Lone Ranger and shoot people with silver bullets some day. The TV use to be in the laundry room in that house. I would sit on floor and watch the Lone Ranger, once a week when it came on – religiously. I found a few other shows I liked so I started spending more and more time watching TV in the dirty laundry/mud room floor. I think mom didn’t like me sitting on the floor so she bought a wooden rocking chair for tots for me to use. Sometimes, Rose Ann, would sit in my chair just to annoy me. That actually did kind of annoy me but I would control my frustration by not caring so much about my chair. I had to be wary of loving anything that Rose Ann could turn into a weapon against me I learned. I am going end here for now because this story is only about half-done. I will finish it like if you want me to continue with another part. youtube/watch?v=2YnxCVqeIz4
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 12:45:40 +0000

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