The Federal Reserve act was signed by Woodrow Wilson on Dec 23rd - TopicsExpress


The Federal Reserve act was signed by Woodrow Wilson on Dec 23rd 1913. Federal Reserve Notes began being issued in 1914. The printing of paper money by private banks, no longer retrained by gold coinage, the money supply increased dramatically and debt could be created by loaning the government the reserve notes at interest (usury). July 28th 1914 was the start of WW1. Jan 19th 1915 the first Zeppelin raid on Britain took place. Jan 27th 1916 conscription introduced in Britain. April 6th 1917 USA declares war on Germany. The official end on WW1 was Nov 11th 1918 when Germany signed an armistice with the Allies. Following with the Treaty of Versailles being signed by the Germans on June 28th 1919. The crash of the New York Stock Market in Sept 1929 began a world wide depression, followed by the banking collapse of 1933. In 1933 an executive order was signed by Franklin D Roosevelt to confiscate privately owned gold from the public to bail out the Federal Reserve. The collapse of the Spanish Republic was from 1933 to 1936. The end of the Wiemar Republic was 1933 and the beginning of the Third Reich. Also the economic crisis under Labour Government began in UK from 1929. From the start of the Great Depression of 1929 to the beginning of WW2 was exactly a decade to the month, with the crash of the stock market in Sept 1929 and the official start of WW2 on Sept 1st 1939. And only 6 years from the time the Fed was bailed out in 1933, along with the collapse of the Spanish Republic in 1933 and the collapse of the Wiemar Republic in 1933. Is it just me or are we noticing a direct correlation between the banks and the beginning of two major wars? What I also find interesting is that the most recent bailing out the Fed started in 2008, 6 years ago. And are we not seeing the failing of economies world wide? Now my big question is, are we being set up for a WW3? Just take a look at what has been going on since late last year with the gov shut down in the US, unlimited QE for the FED, trying to start a war in Syria, now US trying to start a war with Russia over the Ukraine and Crimea??
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 17:02:47 +0000

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