The Federalist Papers Please visit The Federalist Papers and click - TopicsExpress


The Federalist Papers Please visit The Federalist Papers and click like If ever the Time should come, when vain & aspiring Men shall possess the highest Seats in Government, our Country will stand in Need of its experienced Patriots to prevent its Ruin. There may be more Danger of this, than some, even of our well disposed Citizens may imagine. If the People should grant their Suffrages to Men, only because they conceive them to have been Friends to the Country, without Regard to the necessary Qualifications for the Places they are to fill, the Administration of Government will become a mere Farce, and our pub-lick Affairs will never be put on the Footing of solid Security. We should inquire into the Tempers of Men, in order to form a Judgment in what Manner the public Trusts to be reposed in them will be executed. I hope our Countrymen will always keep a watchful Eye over the public Conduct of those whom they exalt to Power, making at the same time every just Allowance for the Imperfections of human Nature; and I pray God we may never see Men filling the sacred Seats of Government, who are either wanting in adequate Abilities, or influenced by any Views Motives or Feelings separate from the public Welfare. Samuel Adams, to James Warren, Oct 24 1780
Posted on: Fri, 02 Aug 2013 00:46:43 +0000

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