The Ferguson grand jury is getting ready to release the decision - TopicsExpress


The Ferguson grand jury is getting ready to release the decision on the Mike Brown case. My concerns are for the community of Ferguson and other inner city black dominated areas of America. I would make a rather large bet that this officer will not be charged with any crimes . I was not there and have seen no video proof that this officer killed him in cold blood nor have I seen proof that Mike Brown fought this officer. I think both are possible. Mike Brown did commit a strong armed robbery that day and friends state that he liked to “get his way” by throwing his weight around. The officer may have got pissed and kept shooting even after Mike was no longer a threat. We will never know the truth and this can only cause unrest and tensions. My fear for black communities after the decision is released is that a few people will act up causing militarized police actions to be used on innocent citizens. Burning and looting your own neighborhood only hurts you. Stores will not reopen and where will you shop ? Companies can open where they like and they will not want to deal with the losses caused by the community so why would they reopen in the same place ? If the rumors are true that some will attack white people and cops, there will only be hell to pay for these neighborhoods. Our government will lock down these neighborhoods preventing kids from school and families from work and recreation. The people will suffer greatly for years to come. Nothing good can come from violence at this point but to further cause harm to communities that are currently struggling now. I live blocks from the Southside of St. pete , Florida , so I am talking about my own neighborhood as well. We have had riots in the past and community leaders are getting people together for protests. Today , we live and laugh together but I fear what may rip us apart. I will never understand why anyone would think that it is okay to attack people or to use the situation of a young dead man as an excuse to steal. Stop the hate and violence , do not lower yourself to racist acts that will simply divide us further. Prepare yourself, friends, and community for the grand jury to decide that the officer should not be charged. Take oaths with community leaders to have HUGE non violent protests . This does not mean that if you really think this officer killed Mike Brown that you have lost. In fact, A criminal indictment is not and does not institute a criminal prosecution of a defendant. The indictment process is designed to take case evidence and have it presented to a body of people much in the same way as a standard jury for a trial. The sole purpose is to determine if the case evidence presented would appear to meet the statutory requirements for any one or more given charges that the prosecution wishes to pursue. ***In some cases the prosecution fails to obtain an indictment or on there own decision decides to amend a portion of the case, evidence, testimony etc. etc. being presented. In those cases they may choose to make amendments to their case and present it again to a grand jury. A common instance of this would be a prosecutions attempt try a non accidental killing of another human being without premeditation) Then if homicide (murder) charges against a person where as strong mitigating circumstances may provide for a possible defense against the charge. If the prosecution presents the case to a grand jury and does not obtain a indictment or they choose to abandon the case as is and present it again with a modified charge of manslaughter . A re-presentment to a grand jury would normally occur. In this instance it would be the same case event being presented but the specific charge being sought would be amended to better fit the circumstances of the case. Do I think that they will amend the charges and put him before the grand jury again ? No, not without a fight from the people. Unless new evidence is exposed nothing will change. Rumors have it that more than one person has video of the killing but it also shows mike fighting so they think this will help the cop. They will not come forward because they do not want to help the cop. This is sad if true because it would be the “new evidence” needed for a conviction. . For instance, even if Mike fought him , if the officer did not stand down and stop shooting once Mike was no longer a threat this would be murder. Will Eric holder make good on his promise to investigate and charge this officer ? He never did anything about Zimmerman after promising Trayvon’s family he would so I am going to say no. What would Mike Brown want ? I would imagine that he would want his mother cared for. She may be charged with assault and theft over some sales of Mike Brown shirts. She needs support and someone to help her claim his name legally. She is upset that people are making money off his name but because she does not have legal sole rights these people can sell this stuff. I doubt my thoughts will change your mind but I beg you to act how you want to be treated and think about your community before you act.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 21:19:42 +0000

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