The Fifteen Houses is the first book of this new and exciting - TopicsExpress


The Fifteen Houses is the first book of this new and exciting series to be published. Staged in Massachusetts, in the early 1950’s, the writer delves into her recurring and discomforting memories of her younger years. Julianne Marguerite, one of eleven children, is determined to uncover the “mystery” that resulted in the downfall of her family. Each series of memories will open a different door, to the different homes, (“Fifteen” to be exact,) that she had lived in. Reconnecting with her family after having been estranged for over three decades, Julianne revisited each of the homes to discover how or why things that happened molded her into the person she had become. What transpired early on in her life that would change who she should have become? In her quest to understand her upbringing, Julianne Marguerite cleans out the “files of memories” hoping to be able to face these head on, and then…..put the memories to bed. Instead, she unleashes a “dam” overflowing with mixed emotions and she finds herself drowning from the hold these fifteen houses still had on her. These unfolding memories become stepping stones as they encourage her to erase the bad times, and she begins facing forward, focusing on getting past the scars that are still alive today and succeeds in finding the real Julianne Marguerite. She then allows her surviving and strengthened spirit, the “real” Julianne Marguerite to attempt to take the remnant of the family she left behind and tries to help them ward off the demons of their past so that together they can become the family they should have been. Tears, sorrow, anger and laughter mixed with real life experiences will enhance Julianne Marguerite’s story as it unfolds. The Fifteen Houses, will build in you are strong desire to learn more. Visit: wintertreeproductions for more information about the book and the author. Jeanne also writes 2 blogs: Thought and Poem and Thoughts about Bullying and Poem and these can be found by visiting Facebook pages: jeanneclaire probst, A Poem a Day, or The Fifteen Houses, A Novel – by Jeanne Claire Probst. “Like” if you do and comment if you wish….Jeanne March 13, 2014 – Thought and Poem Happiness means a lot of things to people, different things. As we aged, our ideas of what real happiness was, changed over the years. When going through our school years, happiness to a boy might have meant having the latest “Hot Wheel” racing set, but to a girl it might have meant going to the prom with the “boy of her dream.” But, even before we got to the “I want greater, bigger, more expensive things” points in our lives, happiness was simple. We wanted to be the first to get the “surprise” in the family size box of cereal in the morning and be the envy of all the other siblings glaring at us from around the breakfast table. Happiness might have meant being the first one to get the first bite of a potato chip when the bag was opened, again to the envy of the other siblings that also had the desire to be the “first.” Having been raised in a large family, I can remember moments like these where happiness depended on being the first to be able to brag that you got something before anyone else did. I can still see the “I am going to get you later,” stares from my brothers and sisters IF I had been the one bragging at something they too were grabbing for. What about you? Do you remember what happiness was to you when you were younger and when your ideas of how happiness could be attained changed? Share your thoughts with us…Jeanne Claire Probst Happiness Happiness can be found in a “Cracker Jack” box, That you find when you dig for the “prize,” whether you like the prize or not! Happiness can be found in a “Happy Meal,” The “toy” makes us happy to get, even when the toy is not a big deal! Happiness can also be found by purchasing a box of Dunkin’ Donuts, Just don’t get on the scale to weigh yourself for a couple of months. Happiness can be found at any Chinese Take-Out Restaurant, In the little “Fortune Cookies,” if the little paper inside confirms what you “want.” Ask any woman around the earth and they will tell you that happiness can be found in any kind of store, It doesn’t matter, the name, the brand, the cost….just a place that says, “SALE” on the front door. To a man, happiness might mean riding a motorcycle down Highway Sixty-Six, If a six pack is strapped in a crate at the back of the bike, in case the rider needs a “fix.” Now to a child, girl or boy, to them happiness is getting any kind of toy, Or perhaps how they feel when seeing all the candy treats at a candy store that they can consume for their taste-buds to enjoy. Happiness means something different to each individual, But all seek to find that “special” happiness and will travel to the ends of the earth to make attaining it possible…..Yes? Jeanne Claire Probst
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 03:18:43 +0000

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