The Fiji election results in the dictators favour comes as NO - TopicsExpress


The Fiji election results in the dictators favour comes as NO surprise! As we have previously reported on this website, the bainimarama dictatorship would win the elections by hook or by crook. And its happened, as we said it would, via Khaiyums corrupt machinery - includes: corrupt judiciary, illegal decrees that severely restrict opposition parties a ridiculous ballot paper and electoral rules and punishment No rule of law, no media freedom, FijiFirst party above the law while other parties are punished no free speech, no exit polling no local NGO observers a corrupt MIDA, corrupt Ministry of deliberate miss-information, military and police goons intimidation and beatings of citizens, corruption vote buying state run radio and TV supporting junta and lies a corrupt pro-dictator owned FijiSun news paper no political debates with dictator an unaudited and unfair electoral process no authentic Auditor general reports torture and lying to the people, dictator appointed members of electoral commission appointment of unqualified puppet supervisor of elections election process all run by the FijiFirst party leadership for the FijiFirst party. Consider the voter intimidation, beatings, no rule of law, no free media , the journalists who have been deported, slapped and shoved by the dictator, there was no freedom of speech and many illegal decrees that restricted opposition parties from fully and fairly engaging in the election process. Local NGOs were banned from observing the process because they know the Fiji style of doing things that the multinational observers only theorise. This is the corrupt system that New Zealands PM Key and Foreign Minister McCully consider to be a part of truly free and fair elections - what rubbish! It seems McCully is more concerned with a seat on the UN security council as part of his retirement. Clearly, McCully and Key are unable to protect the oppressed people amongst their Pacific neighbours but they like to act like they do. To make the election results more believable, palatable and more easily acceptable to the multinational observer rubber ducks and the world, Khaiyum did not make it a win by 50 seats. Instead he made it a more realistic win by majority - enough to cement their rule over Fiji for the next 50 years or so! Yes, just you wait and see. As the now supposed legal government the dictator will legally amend the constitution and make new laws, instead of illegal decrees, that will keep them in power and looting Fijis wealth and resources. What is needed is a TRULY independent audit of the entire electoral system by experts - of the vote box and process, vote counting and recording and reporting processes and how it was all actually conducted. If it was truly free and fair and without fraud, then thre should not be any problems reviewing the whole process. It may even be studied as a new model for democratic elections in developing countries. The New Zealand national party may even want to incorporate it into NZ. I can just see the NZ voters agreeing to it. Anyway, if a a proper and full audit of the Fiji electoral system and counting process is not done then their will always be doubt as to its authenticity, given all the illegal events leading up to the elections. It has to be done otherwise the people of Fiji will have been well fooled - and for a few pieces of shiny silver! Any opposition in the new government will be toothless! The dictator has majority of seats and can easily out vote any opposition and implement any law he wants. Basically, it will be a real dictatorship! BUT worse than what Fiji has ever seen over the past eight years!
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 00:46:09 +0000

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