The Filter of Love This article expresses our thoughts almost - TopicsExpress


The Filter of Love This article expresses our thoughts almost exactly. Lori made several of these points to me just yesterday. Great minds think alike. How easy it is to trash Phelps and Co. and yet He too is a beloved child of God. The truth is this - It is finished! Not my words by the way. He finished the work for all - that includes Fred and that includes me. I may not like Fred but God loves him. While the Phelps and Co. behavior seems obviously off base and even stupid to most of the world, I am sure it makes sense to them. They are people and entitled to their own opinion. At least they dont make any bones about it. What concerns me more (as discussed in the article) is the unspoken hatred that is so common in the church. Most civilized Christians disguise their disgust for the marginalized in our society with phrases such as love the sinner and hate the sin or hand-picked scripture verses to justify an opinion they already have. Such rationale is used to exclude culturally unacceptable behavior in church and has little if anything to do with Gods will for our interaction with each other on earth. If the greatest commandments are to love God and our neighbor, than this is probably what we ought to do. If all of the law hinges on these two commandments, then we should filter our interpretation of scripture through this filter - the filter of love. If my opinion does not line up with the greatest commandments according to Jesus, then my opinion is incorrect. So, here it is. Clearly, Freds opinion of the military, the LGBT community and many others does not line up with Gods will. Neither does any thought, decision or action that does not demonstrate love towards God or man. You can spin it anyway you want, but the love remains constant - to will the good of another. You may think it is tough love when you vote against the LGBT call for equal rights. You may call it religious freedom when you present legislation that legalizes denying services to people based on opinion. What you think is tough love and religious freedom will only alienate people from the church. Maybe thats what some people want. Love doesnt change. Love is kind, selfless, bares all things, believes all things ... Whether we agree with someones life style or not has absolutely no baring on our responsibility to show love to God and our neighbor. The greatest show of love is to lay down your life for a friend, just as Christ did for you and me. We have no greater calling that to do this ourselves.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 19:33:50 +0000

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