The Fiqh of Eid al-Adha 1. The Eid Prayer is wajib. It consists - TopicsExpress


The Fiqh of Eid al-Adha 1. The Eid Prayer is wajib. It consists of two rakats, with extra takbirs. The wisdom behind the Eid prayers, like the Eid days themselves, is to thank Allah for His countless blessings. 2. After the Eid prayer, there is a khutba. It is necessary to listen to this khutba, and everything disliked in the Friday khutba is disliked here. 3. In the first rakat of the Eid prayer, one gives 3 additional takbirs after the opening takbir and opening supplication but before reciting the Fatiha. One should raise one’s hands with each takbir (to one’s earlobes), as one does with the opening takbir. After each takbir, one lets one’s hands rest at one’s sides. One pauses briefly after each takbir. One places ones hands together, right on left under the navel, after the third and final takbir. After this, one recites the ta`wwudh (seeking refuge in Allah from Satan), says the basmala (Bismillahi al-Rahman al-Raheem), and recites the Fatiha and another surah, as normal. The rest of the rakat is the same. 4. In the second rakat of the Eid prayer, one also gives 3 additional takbirs. These are given after one finishes reciting the Fatiha and Surah. They are like the first rakat’s takbirs, except that one leaves one’s hands to one’s sides after the third takbir, after which one gives one’s normal takbir for going into ruku, without raising one’s hands. 5. This is the sunna way of giving the takbirs in the Hanafi school. However, if one’s imam performs them differently, one follows one’s imam: the sunnah practice has been reported in different ways, and the difference between the Sunni schools on this is in terms of optimality, not validity. 6. It is disliked to perform any prayers before the Eid prayer, whether at home or at the place where the Eid prayer is being performed. 7. It is only disliked to perform any prayers after the Eid prayer at the place where the Eid prayer is performed; it is not disliked to do so elsewhere. 8. The latecomer, who misses the additional takbirs with the Imam, should perform the takbirs immediately, even if the Imam is reciting. 9. If one joins the imam while he is in ruku`, one should perform the additional takbirs while standing if one will be able to catch the imam in rukuu. Otherwise, if one fears not catching the imam in ruku`, one should give one’s opening takbir and go into ruku`. Then, one should recite the additional takbirs in ruku` before the tasbihs of ruku`. One does not raise one’s hands in ruku`, however. 10. If one misses a rakat of the Eid prayer, one says the additional takbirs after the recitation. This is how it has been established through the practice of the Companions of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace). [From: Al-Fatawa al-Hindiyya, Haskafi/Ibn Abidin, Radd al-Muhtar `ala al-Durr al- Mukhtar; Shurunbulali, Imdad al-Fattah Sharh Nur al-Idah, and other works].
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 05:07:15 +0000

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