The Fire -On saturday I was talking to someone about burning down - TopicsExpress


The Fire -On saturday I was talking to someone about burning down the house fires in my family (at least 4) and how my mother caught fire when as she was pregnant with me while entering a cabin while someone was throwing out the door a kerosene can on fire... but a few years back Jean of Divine Healing told me I was done with fire..... this morning I revisit the powerful message of fire when I randomly open The Invitation for todays meditation message. I am brought to Oriahs reflective chapter The Fire.... It doesnt interest me who you know or how you came to be here. I want to know if you will stand in the center of the fire with me and not shrink back. Sometime we go out and seek the fire that will burn away what is dross in our lives, more often, we awaken suddenly to find ourselves encircled by flame. Intense experiences of the heart transform us. I want to know if you can stand with me, eyes wide open, when the fire -asked for or unbidden-- consumes all we think we know. I want to know if you will offer yourself as fuel for flames and let the Mystery we seek, the Divine we long for, which comes in unpredictable ways, consume and transform you. When chaos surrounds and consumes, it is difficult to keep our hearts open, to feel the fear and pain.... but the stillness if you seek it in the midst of chaos will give a way to open your heart and it is there in the strong soft center of the heart that you will find courage and the small voice that says Breathe. You can do this...
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 13:04:39 +0000

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