The Fire of God’s Love….Vol. XIV…No. - TopicsExpress


The Fire of God’s Love….Vol. XIV…No. 48….11/26/71 Archangel Chamuel True love, recognizing the one Spirit omnipresent in all Life, moves to tremble the web of Being with the vibratory nature of divine love in its ongoingness and its allgivingness. Never in the history of the universe upon any planet or system of worlds has darkness triumphed. In reality, the rolling clouds of darkened and graying conditions such as those which now pervade the world order have only served as a background to perceptive souls for the invincible Light of God which has continued from the very beginning of Love’s cycles to pour out the virtue and beauty of Perfection to all creation. Where darkness has been temporarily sustained through the misuse of free will, it has ultimately destroyed itself and those who have given it life. Their place is no more, for only in Light is Self-conscious being sustained. How senselessly, then, do individuals allow the tramps of darkness to trample upon the tender virtues of the Christ budding within. Why do they permit others to take indecent liberties with the pure seed energies implanted from the hand of God, which, fresh from His Heart and Being, take root in the fertile soil of the soul? Little do they realize that by allowing such injustice to go unchallenged, they align themselves with the darkness that will one day be no more. There can be no lasting peace without honor; therefore, let the cosmic honor flame be invoked for its saving grace and protection from all harm. The perversion of the purposes of Life and nature by man, originally created in the divine image but now fallen into the unwholesome dilemma of the pseudoimage, has continued to intercept the blessings that flow from the very Source of perfection which originally gave him Life. Only the righteousness of divine purpose can endure, beloved hearts of Light; for it alone is capable of sustaining the flame of love. And so it is divine love, cherished in the hearts of the many, that has amplified its own currents as a means of perpetuating abundance to all upon the planetary body and to all throughout the universal body of the Lord’s manifestation. I AM an Archangel. Dedicated, then, to the healing of the nations by the principle of healing love, I step forth this day in the certitude of Cosmic Christ victory and in the awareness of the ultimate triumph of divine love in the domain of human affairs. For one day in the not too distant future, perceiving their own hapless and almost hopeless state, men will turn with joyous hearts to the oncoming tides of universal love. These love tides shall magnify in them the idealism of the perfect image in which they were originally created; and then they shall at last ask the question, Why can I not now be remade in that image? Beloved hearts, the formative power of the present moment is great. It is the creative potential of God’s energy idling at the nexus of man’s consciousness. If men would only perceive that the passage of time, the falling of the sands in the glass, signifies the opportunity for the manifestation of the being of God in man, I am certain they would make better use of their time and energy. But as long as people are satisfied with the lesser qualities and achievements of the human, so long will they hinder the opportunity dictated by Divine Love to bring forth those admirable virtues and honorable creations which are the fulfillment of cosmic purpose in man. But when each individual takes his stand with Divine Love and determines that nothing shall stop him from completing his appointed round, that nothing shall halt or delay the onrushing of his energies back to the Heart of God, brimming with the fruits of service, then Life as precious moments of opportunity will not be lost. Take note that I said nothing shall stop him. This means that he allows no thing, manifest or unmanifest, known or unknown, to prevent him from fulfilling his own life role in the fruit of the divine plan. Our God is a fruitful God, and all that He envisions for man is perfection. “As it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God. And thereby we know in part that which God has held in His Heart and Mind to bestow upon mankind in ages to come. But man need not wait ages to receive the gifts of God; for he is assured, if he accepts the divine plan, that he may at any time climb into the lap of God-identity. There he will find at last the fulfillment of the dreams of his soul that for want of fulfillment have caused him from time to time to be bored with life. There he will remember no more those experiences that kept him bound upon the rocks and shoals o a mortal existence—one that for the most part proved to be a senseless, purposeless engagement of his precious energies, a waste of his brief opportunity in the erucible of time and space. Will you, then, perceiving that Christ-love is also resident in the archangelic realm, realize that you who were made “a little lower than the angels” are also capable and worthy, if you will accept your calling as sons and daughters of the Most High, of being “crowned with glory and honor”-more than all the baubles and trinket of the world could ever provide? We would not, however, downgrade the great scientific potential which the Lord has ordained for this world. For man’s technological achievements manifest not as the result of his own willing, but solely because God has willed them so by placing within Nature herself the opportunity for man to take dominion—from the simplest tetragrammaton to the most grandiose helix we observe in an ascending spiral. The secrets of the universe await the discovery of the smallest child or the most advanced scientist, for God is no respecter of persons. His love is not exclusive; it is not given to the spiritually advanced and denied to the lambs newly awakening to the opportunities of the spiritual Path. His love is given to all, a roseate, onrushing tide issuing from the blazing, bubbling fountain of cosmic activity, infiring the souls of men with the awareness of their creative potential, warming and revivifying them even in the winter of their despair. I AM an Archangel, and my love and assistance are yours for the asking; but he Great Law requires that you ask. Those of us in our octave understand, and we hope that you do also, that each call you make to us, believing that we exist and that we exist to serve the needs of both God and man, will be answered by that healing stream of energy which it is our role to direct. I AM Chamuel of the Fountain of Divine Love. Charity, my consort, serves with me. The angels in our band are pledged to direct their energies for the increase of the activity of divine love in all hearts. If the heart of men, then, will expand their faith in the infinite perceptions of God, they, too, will perceive that only abundant life and abundant strength and abundant joy ought to be the lot of the whole family of nations. They will see that the bane of negative karma ought to be swallowed up, together with the sea of man’s negative emotions, and replaced by the calm, crystal sea of fire that signifies the acceptance by the individual of the Edenic day of Perfection’s shining. Then heaven’s door, ajar in the life of every avatar and son of God upon the planet, will be open to all hearts, bringing to mankind the wondrous message of peace and joy to the world that will cause all struggle to cease as the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ. To this end we serve. The human consciousness need not forever remain a battle ground; for true righteousness, by the fire of divine love, can and shall claim the minds of men for the triumph of the Light. And the earth shall be lifted out of its maya, its glamour, its karma, and its delusion into the victorious faith of a God-directed order of worlds without end. Valiantly I came out of the Sacred Fire of God’s loving Heart, and I remain ever in the service of the eternal King and his lovers of righteousness. For His name’s sake I AM Chamuel of the Light. ~From book: Masters of the Far East/Mysteries of the Eternal Christ/ On the Pillars of Eternity, by Mark and Elizabeth Prophet, messengers of the Ascended Masters of the Great White Brotherhood
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 21:51:48 +0000

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