The First Born . . . . . . Inbox x George Matthews 15.06.13 - TopicsExpress


The First Born . . . . . . Inbox x George Matthews 15.06.13 "For it became him, for whom are all things, and through whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the author of their salvation perfect through sufferings." Hebrews 2:10(ASV) Everywhere, from Greenland to New Zealand we hear about BEING BORN AGAIN. What is so special about it? Let us examine the importance of BEING BORN AGAIN from the life of Jesus Christ. Till the resurrection of Jesus Christ there was only one type of people on Earth. The pattern was LIVE. . . . THEN DIE. If you study the life pattern of the whole population of people who lived on earth before Christ, they were of the same pattern. That means live on earth for some years, die and get buried in earth. But, come Jesus Christ, there is an entirely new pattern, LIVE ON EARTH-GET BURIED IN EARTH-AND COMING BACK TO LIFE AGAIN TO LIVE FURTHER ON EARTH. In case of Jesus Christ it was 40 days after death. So he was the first man who ever lived on earth, surely died on cross, death certified, dead body got buried in a grave sealed by the government and protected by heavy military solders. But on the third day he resurrected to life by himself by breaking the roman seal. The FIRST BORN from death. Again, history tells us he walked on earth for further 40 days mingling with his friends and relatives exhibiting social life, moving around teaching. What is so special about it? Everything is special in these 40 days of resurrected life. This is A RESURRECTED OR BORN-AGAIN LIFE. (. . . . and speaking the things concerning the kingdom of God. Acts 1:3). What is the importance of this born again walk of life? The importance is that Jesus was taken into heaven (ascention) from this phase of life. So anybody who desires to be taken up with Jesus to heaven should attain this phase of life. Please note that, while walking in this earth for nearly thirty three years Son of God Jesus Christ was not taken up into heaven. But, he became eligible after the resurrection. Similarly human being should be born again by the word of God and water of baptism to have a resurrected life while living on this earth. This life has another specialty as evident through Romans 6:20, 21. The life of a born again Christian is depicted in Colossians 3:1-3. Isn’t it clear now, why the born again people who follows the first born Jesus Christ spend most of their time in bible studies, gospel work, fasting, prayer, conventions etc. . which is enhancing to a spiritual life? So being born again is to follow the First Born to be with him where he is now John 14:1-4. Lets pray, “Dear Father, please help me to be born again with a spiritual nature so that I can follow your begotten son to be with Him forever. In Jesus name, Amen” God Bless You, Mathews Sir. PLEASE REPLY WITH YOUR PRAYER NEEDS.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 04:47:42 +0000

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