The First Ramadan (Please do read till the end) Ramadan Mubarek - TopicsExpress


The First Ramadan (Please do read till the end) Ramadan Mubarek to all. The first Taraweeh prayers complete and tomorrow the first Ramadan. Ramadan is the month of mercy, the month of forgiveness and the month of salvation. Abu Huraira narrated (ra) I heard Allahs Apostle salAllahu alayhi wa sallam saying regarding Ramadan, Whoever prayed at night in it (the month of Ramadan) out of sincere Faith and hoping for a reward from Allah, then all his previous sins will be forgiven. (bukhari) We should certainly all try to take advantage of the beautiful mercy Allah has bestowed upon us this month. Ramadan is also the month of the month of kindness and mercy, generosity and giving charity. The Prophet [pbuh] was the most generous person in Ramadan. The best charity, the best Zakah, the best Sadaqah to be given is in Ramadan. Feeding the poor and needy of fasting people is highly recommended during this month. The Prophet [pbuh] said, Whoever gives Iftar to one who is fasting will have a reward like his, without detracting from the reward of the fasting person in the slightest. The Messenger of Allah went on to say, Whoever feeds a fasting person be it a date, or a sip of water or a gulp of milk, and the month is one the beginning of which is mercy. With this in mind I would like for us to spare a thought for some of our brothers and sisters who everyday struggle to feed themselves and their families with the basic necessity of a meal. Is it not sad that we live in a world where millions of pounds are spent on war and conflict, yet a simple meal is still a luxury to so many. As the chairman of the charity, ChildrenPlus I look to provide long term poverty alliviation projects to poor communities around the world but for this month I would like to provide 10,000 meals to some of those most in need. I want with your help to provide 10,000 meals to impoverished and destitute communities in Syria, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Palestine and Somalia. I know some of you have already contributed to this campaign and I would like to thank you but this is where it gets real. The campaign I am beginning now is to provide 6000 of these Iftar meals using Social Media and Facebook during this month. Thats just 200 meals a day for the next 30 days. Its possible, but I really do need all of your help. I need you to donate, share my posts and make dua for the success of this campaign. I need you to ask your friends and family to support us and donate too. I need my social media crew who helped us using Whats App and text messaging during last years campaign where we provided over 4,000 meals in 4 countries. Please, I need your help again. Maybe you would like to help us for the first time this year. Either way, please send a text request to 07956 398739 and we will send you our marketing materials. Who can start us of now? Is there anyone who can donate 100 Iftars straight away? Can we reach our first 200 Iftar meals donated by Iftar time tomorrow? To make a donation, please visit our website on the link below. To donate £10 by TEXT, simply send a free text from your mobile phone as shown below. TEXT: IFTA05£10 to 70070 Bismillah
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 19:35:15 +0000

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