The Five Great Evils. The Five Giant Evils of the Beveridge - TopicsExpress


The Five Great Evils. The Five Giant Evils of the Beveridge Report were: Squalor, Ignorance, Want, Idleness and Disease. To a great extent these Evils have been overcome, but in some strata of society they still exist. There is Want as evidenced by the growing use and necessity of foodbanks. Which, by the way, David Cameron sees as proof that his vision of the Big Society is working. Another Evil is squalor. We will see a rise in this Evil as more people are forced out of their homes through the policies of this regime. House building is at an all-time low. Don’t be fooled by this phrase “Affordable Homes” because nobody can afford them. And those houses for rent which are being built are being sold off to offshore companies who then let them for prohibitive rents. So, the rise of the two evils, Want and Squalor, will see a rise in the other Evil, Disease. Idleness is here. Unemployment is rising and will continue to rise as lack of investment causes economic collapse. Our schools are underfunded. Our whole education system is stymied by bureaucracy, lack of investment and low teacher morale. Ignorance and under-education are on the horizon. All of these Evils are either here or just around the corner. The return to the 30s. Which, at the end of the Second World War, our fathers and grandfathers swore would never happen.But what does the future hold? I believe it’s pretty bleak. About eighteen months ago I saw some kids aged about five. I got to wondering, what will it be like when they are in their late fifties? Well, the Health Service will have imploded and treatment will be severely rationed. The loss of tax revenues caused by long-term and deep unemployment will see such an erosion in the Welfare State that the State Pension will be means tested ant only the very worst off will qualify. Many of them will have been unemployed for so long that they could not contribute to the huge market in private pensions. They will be facing a very uncertain old age. Housing? No new homes will have been built for years. Local authorities had been forbidden to build houses for so long that there are no such housing stocks left. Housing Associations saw their revenues fall years ago when the so-called Bedroom Tax caused high rent arrears. Consequently, they could not service their own debts and could not invest in new builds. See where I am going? Copied from an email sent to me by someone in despair.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 02:39:10 +0000

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