The Flashing Red Light of His Coming There had to come a time - TopicsExpress


The Flashing Red Light of His Coming There had to come a time when the iniquity of the Gentiles would be full and would come to the hour of Judgement. If God Judged Noahs day and then Judged Sodom, He will bring Judgement again because His judgements are just as sure as His Promises. Telling us through His servant Luke [Luke 17] that the conditions that brought Judgement and destruction before to the world, would again rise at exactly the same time that the Son of Man was again being revealed also witnesses to us of coming Judgement again in our day. Just as the first Message following the Seals placed the Prophet into office the second Message preached the same day places the world and shows us that the same spirits that started back in the pre-flood world of Noah that vexed God so greatly, have repeated themselves again. Now you cannot separate the Messenger from his Message, so the Revealing of the Son of Man in a son of man is also the Sounding of a Message that could not come into expression until the Seals were removed. Just as the Scripture has witnessed for 2000 years, the world condition has progressed into total degradation just as it was in the days of the Judgements of the days of Noah and the days of Sodom. Truly as someone has said, If God does not rain Judgement down now He will have to resurrect the people of Noahs day and the days of Sodom and apologize for their destruction. FLASHING.RED.LIGHT.title JEFF.IN V-5 N-4 63-0623E How I could speak of different things as we know that He promised to do here in the last days, and we see it right before us. And then we see our--this subject tonight of another red light flashing, of carrying on among our women, and things the way theyre doing. We see it pointing... Every--every milepost, everything, every needle, every compass is set straight onto His coming. Were at the end. Theres nothing else that I know to happen but the coming of the Lord. END.TIME.EVANGELISM.title JEFF.IN V-10 N-5 62-0603 The red light is flashing. The signals down. His coming is at hand. Oh, my. Isaiah the 60th chapter and the 2nd verse, said, Darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness will cover the people. And thats exactly right. The end-time messenger and message should meet with end-time conditions. Dont you think so? This message could not have been preached forty years ago. No, the end-time message and messenger has got to meet. THIS.DAY.THIS.SCRIPTURE.title JEFF.IN V-3 N-8 65-0219 26-3 053 Now, Jesus said just at the end of this church age that were living in, that the Son of man would be revealed again in the same manner it was as it was at Sodom. Watch how historically He gave it. He said, As it was in the days (first) of Noah, how they were eating, drinking, marrying, and giving in marriage. Then He brought next to last to the Son of man at Sodom, cause there He was dealing with Jews. Here at Sodom Hes dealing with Gentiles. There He drowned them all by water in judgment. Here is the Gentiles; He burnt them all at the day at Sodom. Thats right; the Gentile world burnt there. And so will it be when the Son of man reveals. Its not no more water, but itll be fire this time. Jesus read from the same Genesis 23 that we read from, when He read about Sodom. The Opening of the Seals brought about a Spiritual gateway through which the Prophet of God would stand in the Gap and lead and direct the Bride into a Brand New Message so that all else outside the Pure Word would again come to another hour of Judgement and destruction. However, it is well to Remember that God has never brought Judgement to man without first making a way of escape for those who if they will only hear and obey His Word will find a place of refuge [Warning and then Judgement]. The Fullness of the Word under the Leadership of the Holy Ghost has always been Gods way of providing mercy and direction to that singular path of escape for the Elected Seed in every age. The New Birth Anointing given to the early Church on the day of Pentecost was the chosen Way of Escape that the Lord Jesus was providing for all the ages to come through no matter what the trials and persecution that Satan had laying ahead for the Church of the Living God. Those trials changed from Age to Age but the Seven stage Anointing depicted by the Seven Spirits before the throne represented the moving of the Holy Spirit in each hour to hold Satan at bay and apply the Grace needed at each juncture of Satans onslaught against the Church of the Living God. The Anointing of the Spirit always was moving at each juncture during the Church Ages, sealing in the Bride for each hour but the Holy Ghost Fullness of the Word could not come on the scene until the time of full restoration back to the True Church at the closing out of the Ages [The Token Life of the Evening Time]. We also found out in later Messages that this was the hour in which Hell had enlarged itself and every demon of deception and perversion had been loosed in Satans final onslaught against the Church and the Bride of Christ. There are many claiming the Message of Brother Branham very quick to say, I believe everything the Prophet said. That is wonderful as far as it goes and we surely must hear what a True Prophet is ordained to bring, but that Word that is brought must be applied to the specific time the Prophet said and placed it. At the changing from the Pentecostal Anointing of Laodicea that came with the Opening of the Seals, the application of the Word moved into a different resting Place in relationship to the Bride. Christ, as Son of God [On the Mercy Seat] in the manifestation of the Ages had to give way to the Son of Man [Mercy Seat in the Heart of Man] Bride relationship. There was a Full Application of a Token coming on the scene through the Spoken Word Messages as Step by Step, Line upon Line, Here a Little there a Little by introducing us to the Full Application of the Life of the Blood that had been released at Calvary. The placing of these changes and the Manifestation of the Sons of God in this Capstone Age causes some to falter and become confused because they will not lay down and burn their Spiritual Relationships and Understandings of the Ages that this Revelation of Fullness might come alive for them. They must come to realize that the Former and Latter Rain falling together brings the Perfection of the Harvest Seed that has come to perfection. GODS.ONLY.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP.title SHP.LA V-7 N-4 65-1128M 238 101 We live in our home like Branhams live. You live in your home, the Joneses, like the Joneses live. And in the house of God we live by the Word of God and every One that proceedeth out of the mouth of God, and any other fraud we wont listen to him. See? You shall eat unleavened bread, every church age, just as I give It to you. But dont try to go back and inject that over into This, because its come into a stalk. You shall take the bones and things thats left over of the sacrifice and burn them. Gone, the church age died, went on; were in another one now. Amen. The place I choose to put My Name in. Oh, my. I Corinthians 12. FLASHING.RED.LIGHT.title JEFF.IN V-5 N-4 63-0623E 173 103 I love Him; I want you to love Him. And as we bow our heads just a moment in a word of prayer in closing... The red lights are flashing; the signal is on; the coming of the Lord is at hand. He speaks to the nations; He speaks to the people; He speaks through the signs and wonders. As we took Sodom and showed how that Angel come to Abraham, the signs that He performed just ere the falling of the fire, we see that. He said, In the days of Lot they built; they sold. Look at it today. And as the days of Noah, women becoming pretty, the sons of God falling, human flesh being worshipped in the form of females, and all these things thats taking place that we talked of tonight. The lights a-flashing; the coming of the Lord is at hand. FLASHING.RED.LIGHT.title JEFF.IN V-5 N-4 63-0623E 175 104 The coming of Christ is flashing its sign. Look at them. See if what Ive told you tonight... It may not be very popular, but its the Truth. Its what God said, and here we are. Women dont want to stay home. They dont want to take care of their families. They just hire a babysetter and go out to a party somewhere. Juvenile delinquents, all things is taking place: bobbing their hair, wearing shorts, makeup. The increase is getting prettier and prettier. Men, sons of God are falling into a trap for Satan to use the sons of God to fall into that, just as Jesus said. It has to happen. He said it would be there, and here it is. He said, When these things come to pass, this generation will not pass away, and thats forty years, until all these things be fulfilled. Think of it. There we have it, the Placing of the world. Not a pretty sight when we have to live in the very midst of it all daily. How much worse has it grown since the Prophet was taken from the scene. The Generation of 40 years has passed away and thank God it is all winding down for we could not survive another Generation. For some who have claimed a Prophets Message we are now hearing concepts and retrogression back into Church Age thinking rather than moving on into the Full Word Promises now coming alive for the Bride. This is not the hour to try to generate a passion by plans and programs for outside the Word it can only produce a counterfeit substitute. The first two Pulls of the Mal. 4 ministry were a part of a wonderful day and experience but their purpose was to catch the Elect and Place them into the Promised Kingdom that came without observation into the Soul of Men and Women. MARRIAGE.OF.THE.LAMB.title PHOENIX.AZ 62-0121E Hes coming for a bride, one that dont fool with the world or the things of the world. Shes washed in the Blood of the Lamb. Shes pledged her--her love to Him only. The love of the world is gone and dead to her. The marriage of the Lamb has come, and His bride has made herself ready. FAITHFUL.ABRAHAM.title RICHMOND.VA 61-0312 Now, watch what this One done, the One that stayed behind with Abraham. He gave him a sign. And watch what the sign was. Now, Jesus said, As it was in the days of Sodom... Now, spiritual minds, be real reverent here-------------remember. He said, As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man. How many says, Amen to that. Thats what.. All right. Now, lets just see what happened? For the day... Now, remember, the days of Sodom was just before the world was destroyed, or the--the wickedness was destroyed by fire. Now, do you believe the world will be destroyed by fire at His coming? The Bible said so. The whole heavens and earth will be on fire. Men will do it themselves, cause God destroys nothing. Man destroys hisself by his knowledge, his shrewdness, his education, always has done it. Created gun power, create atomic bombs, automobiles, thats what kills him. See? Now, notice, he will destroy the whole world by his own knowledge, that tree in the garden that he left the Tree of Life to eat off that tree of knowledge, science, been climbing it ever since. Gods Mercy is so Perfect. He pours it out continually long after it is totally rejected. No man will ever stand on the rim of Hell crying, Unjust, Unjust, for all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God and have climbed over barrier after barrier that God set in place. If the Righteous scarcely be Saved, where are the ungodly in the day of Judgement We preach on and on knowing that at the very best that we are only Gleaners for the Great Gospel Reaper has done its work and we are now laboring on the fringes. Oh, what a rejoicing there will be when that last Son or Daughter recognizes who they are and what a weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth when the hour of Tribulation comes for the Unbeliever. IN CHRIST----------------------------------------------BROTHER CHARLEY [CCC]
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 12:44:13 +0000

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