The Following Is Commentary and My Opinion Only: Hello Online - TopicsExpress


The Following Is Commentary and My Opinion Only: Hello Online Friends! Please forgive me for not posting. I have been dealing with multiple vicious and relentless cyber-attacks and equipment failure. First, my facebook account was temporarily suspended due to ‘possible suspicious activity.’ After waiting for help, and with no email response, I was then directed to change my passwords immediately. Even after going into and out of Facebook and posting as quickly as possible, my computer was still attacked multiple times and eventually became infected with the new Trojan.Zbot Virus and several other Heuristic Viruses (Trojan Gen3) that invaded my computer. Computers now clean of viruses, Ive finally found a safe location and I feel secure enough to get back online and tell you my story. First and foremost I would like to sincerely thank Google. I need to sincerely Thank all the Online Friends who gave me so much help and information: Without You I Would Not Be Here. I promise you these sources will Never be revealed. To the Online Friends and Webmasters who created those ingenious webpages, saved and held my posts on Facebook, I Humbly Thank You All. If I am unable to return to Facebook and by some unforeseen reason this is to be my last post, then I would like to tell you as much as I can and give you as much information as possible if Im shut down again. If you have followed me this far then I need to bring you back to the beginning, to where my original journey began. I wrote, produced and recorded MirandaWithLove ft. Dr. Dre and Eminem on June 26, 2013, as a demonstration of my multiple talents. It was intended to be received directly by Shady Records, Aftermath Entertainment and Interscope for submission. My phone number, email address, ‘For Personal Use Only’ and ‘Not For YouTube’ was written clearly across the outside rim of my specially created DVD. On July 1, 2013: (Princess Diana’s Birthday) I mailed Five (5) packages to Aftermath Entertainment, Shady Records, Marshall Mathers, Dr. Dre Management and Shade45 @Sirius FM c/o Sway Calloway. With USPS Priority tracking, the packages were confirmed delivered before the 4th of July weekend. Nearly Three (3) weeks pass with no response from anyone or admission of my submission. I could only come to the conclusion that no one has seen this video and somehow it was lost. July 20, 2013: Repeat (5) Five more packages with the same message, this time sending to Jimmy Kimmel, The Ellen DeGeneres Show, The Eminem FanClub, TMZ and Local Televison KTLA-5 Sam Rubin. Again with USPS Priority tracking, the packages were confirmed delivered with the exception of The Eminem FanClub which was undeliverable and returned. https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.1427429994136825.1073741828.1403978913148600&type=1&l=6e5dc694d8 Undeterred and convinced that no one has seen my video yet, I reluctantly decided to upload my video to YouTube and social media to get my message out to the entire entertainment industry. Video: MirandaWithLove ft. Dr. Dre and Eminem July 21, 2013: Upload MWL1 Video to YouTube July 23, 2013: Share YouTube Link with VladTV July 24, 2013: Upload MWL1 Video to DailyMotion July 25, 2013: Upload MWL1 Video to Veoh With Google I was able to attach my video and email everyone in media from tv networks to news outlets. From late night talk shows to gossip. I then emailed over 75 industry people from music management to rap magazines to radio stations. Not a single person commented. Not a single person responded to my email. I then joined Facebook July 26, 2013. In no time, I had my Facebook page up and running. I then began commenting and posting in areas where I had hoped either Eminem or Dr. Dre would see my video. After only a couple of hours of posting, I was notified I was spamming. Over the next week I had many problems logging in; always asking me for new information, add a phone, add birthplace, etc. I was even logged out and asked to prove my identity claiming that I may or may not be a real person. But still I continued. I then joined Eminem to post the video message. With username MirandaWithLove I posted the same video links hoping that finally somehow they would see my video. After all this, being so new to social media, and fearing the worst by putting myself out there for all to see, I was completely shocked and surprised that not a single person commented on my video. Not a single person emailed or responded to me. By July 30, 2013 my video had been out for nearly 1 month (since my first mailing) and I received not a single response from anyone, Industry or not. I then decided to comment on my own video hoping to get a response: Andre, Marshall are you there? Is anyone there? It was at this point I began receiving anonymous information. I realized there was something terribly wrong. Why is absolutely no one commenting on my video? In actuality, my video links and posts were being removed nearly immediately after I posted them. Fan page websites eventually removed my posts. Obviously, at this point, I am completely unaware that not only had the DVD been viewed, but someone was determined to have me removed from the internet, if not the planet itself. With this newly acquired anonymous information I decided to write and record the next MirandaWithLove video to dispel any (WTF?) issues. Video: MirandaWithLove The Message Pt. II Aug 3, 2013: Upload MWL2 Video to YouTube. Aug 3, 2013: Upload MWL2 Video to DailyMotion. Aug 4, 2013: Upload MWL2 Video to Veoh. Immediately after uploading MWL2, I was informed that, by now, nearly everyone in the Industry had probably already seen the DVD of MWL from when I mailed it the first time. Consequently, websites that hosted or shared any MirandaWithLove videos were contacted. (Thank You Sincerely to All websites for keeping my video up.) Soon after MWL2 I realized my video numbers were being affected. Somehow every video counter on the internet did not register properly. Why are my numbers so low if the video reached worldwide? Simply “liking“ a lyrics video page that started under 10,000 views gained 650,000 views within hours yet my counter remained stuck at 301+. I realized VLADTV seemed to be the only honest counter on the web. Thank You VladTV. Without you, there would be no VLADTV PRESENTS: MirandaWithLove. With the next bit of (very) anonymous information I knew I had to do another video. I needed to record MWL3. Video: MirandaWithLove Wanted – Whitney – Baby Michael Aug 14, 2013: Upload MWL3 Video to DailyMotion Aug 15, 2013: Upload MWL3 Video to YouTube. Aug 15, 2013: Share YouTube Link with VladTV. Aug 16, 2013: Upload MWL3 Video to Veoh I uploaded to DailyMotion first. Love You DailyMotion. Uploading MWL3 to YouTube showed me possible ‘copyright issues’ related to the Baby Michael portion of MWL3. I then connected the YouTube link to VLADTV immediately. I then chose to focus on other possible opportunities. There MUST be someone else in the entertainment industry interested in my talents and can see my potential. Immediately after posting to gossip pages, daytime show pages, artist pages, nearly all posts were immediately removed. At Eminem I was able to post my final video MWL3 before the website was shut down with middle fingers up. Eminem then joined instagram for the first time and displayed middle fingers up, on his laptop. Still Undeterred, I went back to find pages that will not immediately erase my posts. Focusing on Gossip Pages, Fan Pages, Rap & Hip-Hop Pages and finally Radio Stations, I posted again. I was able to finally leave my posts and not have them be removed immediately. THANK YOU NEW FACEBOOK FRIENDS. I LOVE YOU. Honestly. Oct. 7, 2013: I Post to Facebook ‘Thank You Online Friends!’ By now I know there are so many following my story quietly, anonymously. I Thank You All. But then all my anonymous information suddenly stopped. Everything became quiet and absolutely no one talked to me anymore. Shortly thereafter my computer is viciously attacked and Im knocked off. After multiple attacks, I finally regroup and relocate to a safe location and come back to Facebook. Oct. 16, 2013: And here we are now, up to date. Ive encountered all types of bullies my whole life. Therefore I treat this situation no different even though the level of power is extreme. I shall never run in fear of a Bully or his minions. Why should my American Dream be denied? In my humble opinion, the Industry as a whole is not to blame, simply the Engine that runs it. The Engine would rather celebrate mediocrity and promote talentless, obnoxious, worthless, ungrateful people then to invest in honest, qualified, genuine talent. Never could I have imagined or even thought possible that my videos would be shared around the world or that I could even brand name MirandaWithLove. I know in my heart of hearts that I have made an impact. From L.A. to Beirut and every country in-between, I tried to connect everyone globally who supported me. I have always stayed professional and respectful even in the face of adversity. I have no regrets. Im only saddened by the thought that I will never personally be able to thank each and every one of you. Despite politics, you still allowed me to post my videos. For that I am truly thankful. I wish I could hug each and every one of you and tell you: I Love You. I Love You. I Love You. Thank You all so much for everything. I am Eternally Grateful, Forever and Always. Finally, Know This: You Are No God. I know in that feeble, arrogant little mind of yours, you somehow think you’ve won. That this is a game. There are no winners or losers here. You’re simply a bully and Im a survivor. I am not afraid of you. Do not mistake this for stupidity on my part. I will never cower in the face of my enemy nor will I run away in retreat. I shall face you head on and have no fear. I shall always Fight and Stand Up to Injustice and Bullies. I have Always held these values to be True: No one is above the Law. No one is Without Flaw. No one is Perfect. Everyone Deserves a Chance. At the very least, I want to ensure that no one in your position will ever be allowed to abuse his power and be so mean to someone so meaningless. In my ongoing pursuit to be signed as an artist, I shall never be swayed or diverted in any way. In the words of the Great Whitney Houston, It’s Not Right, But It’s Okay. Mirandawithlove :-)
Posted on: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 08:48:36 +0000

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