The Following is my opinion only: Please do not take anything I - TopicsExpress


The Following is my opinion only: Please do not take anything I say here as a personal criticism on any one person. Thank you. *My Thoughts On The Scottish Election of 18 September 2014* If everyone whom I know in Scotland knew what I know about why Scotland was forced - nay, coerced - into Union with England (and Wales) then they would have voted YES for independence yesterday. I wrote my thesis about the 1st Duke of Atholl, Lord John Murray who worked his entire life after 1707 to abolish the Incorporating Union. His clan, family and sons all participated in the 1708, 1715, 1719 and 1745 uprisings which were not only wars to reestablish the Stuart monarchs on the throne but were fought to free Scotland from the grasp of the hated Union with England. I truly understand psychologically that people are always afraid of change, but Scotland and the Scots need to be free. They were for millennia and their subjugation to a stronger, more vicious nation was terribly unfair and duplicitous and brought about due to unfair economic situations, vengeful and barbarous legal acts of the English Parliament and literally what Professor PWJ Riley called, ‘Bought and Sold for English Gold...’ I was hoping that Scotland would separate from Britain because I understand how it became part of the Union to a country of whom it had always been somewhat suspicious – even after the ascendency of James VI/I. Furthermore, I have witnessed first-hand how Scottish students, in a large group, are treated when gathered together in London for a peaceful march (The Top-Up Fee Rally in October 2006), and I have heard the negative slurs Scots are called by their ‘brethren’ to the South when visiting England. I understand that not everyone is treated this way, but many are and that this sort of behavior is reserved for those who don’t come across as ‘prim, proper and playing by the rules at every step of the game.’ Although the British are a lovely people taken together, the Scots – especially the upper class and more educated ones – have forgotten what was done to them in as they have no true knowledge of their own history – or they don’t care because it is all about money and not about what is right. Voting No was not right, it was not fair and it certainly was not what the ancestors of those of you living there today would have –for the most part – supportive of. Believe me, if the early 18th century Scots had supported the Union wholeheartedly, there would not have been four serious hostile uprisings from 1708 – 1745 with the intended attempts to return the Stuart monarchs to the throne. The Stuart monarchs were ostensibly Scots, and would have at least, it is assumed returned a Scottish Privy Council and, hopefully, a Scottish Parliament to Edinburgh. While the film Braveheart is largely fictionalized, it is very much an allegory of the true sentiments of what the ancient, medieval and early-modern Scottish peoples believed: Scotland was indeed a Free nation who was subjugated to persistent English hostilities. Scotland only wanted to remain Free and should have been allowed to remain so. I am heartsick that so many chose not to find the courage to understand that change can be better than the status quo; that telling the twisted and corrupt banking systems of the world that you don’t care if they do try to threaten you – you aren’t going anywhere; that sometimes regaining your freedom may be difficult in the process but worth it for the future generations. The Native Americans have a saying that many of you should have heeded before you cast that No vote: We do not inherit the land from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children. What have you left your children? Certainly not freedom from a very constricted, controlled and far too formal/polite on the surface but brutal underneath society only controlled by constant surveillance. Say what you will about America or other countries, but Britain has serious flaws as well and Scotland had a chance to be free of those flaws and to start again. I pray for you all on this sad day – a day that could have seen a new nation born full of hope and promise and, yes, uncertainty – but uncertainty filled with exciting hope. Of course Scotland would have been welcomed back into NATO and the UN right away! Scare tactics were used to frighten people into thinking that no one would help your nation. Do you really think that the millions of Scottish Americans such as me would not do everything in our power to assist you if you had called on us? If the Irish Americans were willing to donate millions upon millions to the IRA and their gangs of reprobates, imagine what we would have done for a legitimate nation that wasn’t trying to blow things up? We love Scotland and many of us Scottish/Americans are sad today…sad that you chose to subject yourselves to more of the same belittling treatment that was meted out 307 years ago by a snobbish Parliament in London who didn’t care a whit for you. Had you not had a shared border with them, they would have treated you as bad as they treated the American colonies less than 100 years later. At least you gained a paltry 64 seats total in Parliament (48 Commons and 16 in Lords – you lucky Scots you!); Americans were taxed without representation and look what happened after that? Violence is no solution; I firmly stand with former Congressman Ron Paul and Senator Rand Paul on that sentiment. However, the Highlanders need to find the courage to swing the Claymores again and remember their deadly frightening Highland Charge and use those powerful images and the courage it evokes to take back their country in the next generation. You ‘No’ voters have let down many elderly people who did not learn in school the true history of Scotland, but wanted to know so badly that they studied it themselves. I met many of these people when I worked in Sheltered Housing across Aberdeen and read about many others in the weeks leading up to the vote. They will never know a free Scotland like their ancestors had. Perhaps the next generation, who came out in droves, truly understanding that the world stand by and we would support a free Scotland, will have the bravery and daring that was lacking in what the very minor yet scared majority pulled off yesterday. GOD BLESS SCOTLAND – MAY SHE ONE DAY BE FREE!
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 11:42:59 +0000

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