The Forbidden Love Diaries: Love, Lust & Revenge Episode 41: - TopicsExpress


The Forbidden Love Diaries: Love, Lust & Revenge Episode 41: The Sacrifice Of A Life For Love; Part One. It dawned on her as she entered her room that she had revealed her cousins location to the police officer, and so she called her cousin and told her that the police officers are on their way and that they need to run away immediately. As soon as Mandisa told her moms friend, the lady kindly offered them her car and they drove away immediately. They went to Volsloorus, a place where Siphos aunt lived. It was not that far from where they lived but then it was safe for them at that point. They went inside the house and found his aunt sipping some tea with a neighbor. They greeted them and then they went into his cousins room. Aunt Sisipho and the neighbor were talking about an incident that happened in Katlehong, about a boy that hit another boy with a brick, and the lad ended in a critical condition in the hospital. They both didnt know that Sipho was the one that did that, the word that got around was that Sipho was the one that attacked the guy and that Zamo didnt do anything to him. People twisted and changed the story, rumors had spread all over, thus making the case more than what it was. The police harassed the woman that the couple stayed, they tore down her house, searching every room. She was then arrested and held in a cell for questioning and she revealed how she was asked to look after them, and she didnt know about their crimes. The police didnt believe her and so they took her back inside. Given one phone call to make, she called Mam Martha and told her that the police were dead serious and that they only wanted Sipho, and not her daughter. She persuaded Mam Martha to sell Sipho out and save her daughter, because the more that the couple ran, was the more the case got severe. Chances are, they would both be arrested, and if Zamokuhle doesnt make it in hospital, Sipho would be charged with a life sentence. Zamokuhle was not doing well, he was not responding to the medication that they kept giving him, he was not getting better at all. The doctors argued a lot about his condition, one school of thought, figured that Zamokuhle wouldnt be the same again and that he would be a vegetable, whilst the other insisted that they take the chance and see if the lad could recover. To them, it was more than his health, rather to boost their ratings. They tried and tried but nothing seemed to work, and so they called the Lieutenant and asked him to come over. He came over and they sat him down and explained to him, the condition of his son. They then gave him some donation forms, urging him to allow them to take his organs and give to those that were in need. He refused and told them that they didnt know what they were doing and that he wants to take his son to a real hospital. The doctors didnt fight him on that decision, though they warned him that there is a chance that the lad could die along the way. The Lieutenant didnt care about what they were saying, and so he pulled some strings and a helicopter came and took the lad to Louis Pasture Hospital. Zamos case was very severe, and just as the doctors said, he died on their way there. It was not safe to fly, the clouds dark and there were great storms, the helicopter wavered left and right, thus shaking the lad inside. The life support machine was hanging by a thread, with the jiggling transportation, it shut down numerous time. Zamokuhle sadly died on his way there, and hell was embroiled, his father then turned over some stones. He then drove to Mam Marthas house and made a scene. Neighbors gathered around to witness that event. He continuously asked her where her daughter was and she remained quiet. He then slapped her and then called some insulting words. He knew her from their childhood and there was a lot that they knew about each. He then revealed her secrets, in front of the community and her family. It was embarrassing but then Mam Martha stood her ground and said nothing. Though tears dripped from her face endlessly, she remained tranquil and watched the Lieutenant making a spectacle of himself. She then closed the door and locked it. He then rushed back to his car and called his goons to go to Nomfundos house and take necessary precautions to make them tell the truth. The gangsters then did as they were told, and later that day, they went there with a lot of bottles filled with some petrol. There were about four guys, that went there. Being notorious and feared, no one stood against them. The neighbors really hated that family because no one alarmed them that the gangsters were coming. The goons were attention seeker and they had their methods of getting things done, they would walk around the streets, announcing that they will be burning a house. They were mostly summoned when a person didnt want to pay their boss back. The gangsters came in like a storm, and the community assembled outside and watched them do their thing. While watching from a distance, Thabi texted Nomfundo and told her that her house was about to be torched and that they must leave immediately, and so, Mam Martha and her family got out from the back and hid them selves behind an old car that belonged to Mam Marthas late husband. They hid themselves as they watched their house burn into flames. It was sad how the community responded to it, most people didnt feel sorry for them at all. A bad cloud mustve been upon him, because he came a few minutes later to see a number of people in his street, mainly by Mam Martha house and some in his yard. As he drove in slowly and watched the fierce fire moving around Mam Martha house. The sad part was that people rejoiced as this happened. Siphos then got out of his car and ran to his house, he thought that his son was still inside the house, and so he ran as fast as he could to rescue his son. The crowd was thick and it was impossible to penetrate through, though he made his way to his house. At first people didnt recognize him, but then when they finally did, they began to beat him up and then dragged him to the street. The people were out for blood. They then placed him there and torched him in the middle of the street. Some people vouched for him, but then the others were ruthless, and people watched the good man burn like it was nothing. They had always been jealous of his wealth, and so they did everything within their power to end his life, to send a message that the people who will do as his son did, shall suffer the same fate. Mam Marthas family managed to escape through the spiky wall of their back-opposite neighbor and Mam Hlubi was generous enough to let them lay low in her house until things glided down. The family lost absolutely everything out there, their clothes, car, furniture, and everything that made them who and what they were. More episodes tomorrow..
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 15:59:00 +0000

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