The Foremost Difference Vraja Krśńa showed humanity the - TopicsExpress


The Foremost Difference Vraja Krśńa showed humanity the way to attain aparokśa anubhúti. Jiivas [unit beings] come closest to Parama Puruśa through devotion, through sweet love for Him (Rádhá bháva). Vraja Krśńa taught His devotees that they must realize the sweetness of the world – for everything in this world is sweet – and make it their own through love. Párthasárathi, on the other hand, said that although everything in this world is sweet, people have to taste that supreme sweetness through severity, harshness, struggle and bitterness. Struggle in life is inevitable. This is the first and foremost difference between the two roles of Krśńa. The one wished to lead humanity to the highest realization through aparokśa anubhúti, while the other wished to lead humanity to that highest state of human excellence first through parokśa anubhúti and only then through aparokśa anubhúti. The difference is very vast indeed. The resoluteness, the firmness, that is found in Párthasárathi Krśńa is conspicuously absent in Vraja Krśńa. Similarly, virtues that are found in Vraja Krśńa are totally absent in Párthasárathi Krśńa. Párthasárathi Krśńa is ever ready to take up arms for the protection of those who have come under His shelter, whereas Vraja Krśńa protected His followers with softness and charming sweetness. He never exhibited His toughness, His firmness, to anyone. Can anyone say which is the greater of the two? My reply is this: the question of who is superior or inferior does not arise at all; it is irrelevant. The fact is that Krśńa had to assume different roles out of necessity. In one role, He converted an ordinary community of people into a God-loving and highly devotional group, and in the other role, He goaded that same community to greater and nobler deeds, and established them in the highest excellence of human glory. Both roles were equally necessary then and both are necessary even today. Shrii Shrii Anandamurti Namámi Krśńasundaram
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 08:46:20 +0000

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