The Forever Boy The Little People live in rock caves on the - TopicsExpress


The Forever Boy The Little People live in rock caves on the mountains, and some live in forests. They have fine bodies and are very handsome. They are called Little People because many of them are no taller than your knees! Sometimes they can be very mean or very nice, depending on the weather of the day. On cloudy days, it is bad luck to see a Little person. They could turn you into an animal and your family will never know you. If the weather was bright and sunny, a Little Person might leave you a generous gift of corn, or sweets. More often, Little People were kind and they loved music. They spent a lot of time singing, dancing, and drumming, but they do not like to be disturbed. Sometimes Little People teach lessons. Once there was a boy names Forever Boy because he didn’t want to grow up and be a man. He just wanted to play and have fun. Helping with chores was something he never did, nor had any intentions of doing, because he knew that he would never grow up. One day his father grew tired of his behavior and said to him, “ Forever Boy, I will never call you that again. From now on you’re going to learn to be a man, you’re going to take responsibility for yourself, and you’re going to stop playing all day long. You have to learn these things. Starting tomorrow you’re going to go to your uncle’s, and he’s going to teach you everything that you are going to need to know.’ Forever Boy was sad when his father told him this, because he could not stand the thought of growing up. He went down to the river and he cried for a long, long, time. . He cried so hard that he didn’t see his animal friends gather around him. They were trying to tell him something, and they were trying to make him feel better, and finally he thought he understood them say, ‘Come here tomorrow, come here early.’ Well, he thought they just wanted to say goodbye to him. He went sadly back home, to wait for the next day. The next morning he went out early, to meet his friends, but he was so sad, he could not bear the thought of telling them goodbye forever. They were all there saying things to him, and at first he thought they were saying sad goodbyes. Finally he began to get the sense that they were trying to tell him something else, and that is to look behind him. As he looked behind him, there they were, all the Little People! They were smiling at him and laughing and running to hug him. They said, ‘Forever Boy you do not have to grow up. You can stay with us forever. You can come and be one of us and you will never have to grow up. We will ask the Creator to send a vision to your parents and let them know that you are safe and you are doing what you need to do.’ Forever Boy thought about it for a long, long, time. After, he decided this was what he needed to do, and he went with the Little People. So remember, if you are working on something, and you place your tools down in one place, but find them in another place, that is what the Little People are doing. They are playing tricks on you so you will laugh and keep young in your heart. Because that is the spirit of Little People, and Forever Boy, to keep us young in our hearts.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Aug 2013 23:13:24 +0000

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