The Foundation bases its strategy on achieving clean waters in - TopicsExpress


The Foundation bases its strategy on achieving clean waters in Delawares Inland Bays by first going after low hanging fruit that will achieve clean waters without costing the taxpayer any or very little of their hard earned income. The following dialogue illustrates a lot of voluntary participation by land owners to achieve this goal: Restoration Stories Restoration - a word that means different things to different people. For some, it speaks of reconstructing or restoring buildings, archaeological sites, artwork and other valued materials to some semblance of their historic state. When a person becomes ill or injured, we send wishes for restoration of their health, and encourage a pathway of rehabilitation and recovery that will speed the healing along. In any context, restoration implies some sort of effort or giving back - not just letting things recover or renew on their own - but taking some kind of action that helps move the process along. In the realm of wetlands, streams and other habitats, restoration implies a similar goal - the act of assisting or intervening in the recovery of an ecosystem that has been degraded, damaged or destroyed to restore it to some measure of its natural condition. In a state like Delaware, where centuries of abuse and misuse have left much of our remaining wetlands impaired, the opportunities for restoration are numerous. The pages to follow showcase real-life examples of everyday Delawareans - farmers, business people and homeowners - who took it upon themselves, in varying circumstances and for different reasons, to restore wetlands on their properties. These are a sampling of their stories. We hope you will fi nd in them the inspiration to consider doing likewise. “The edges where land and water meet charm us all - they please and feed the soul.” ~ Tom Horton See the real stories about true successes at this link-
Posted on: Sun, 18 May 2014 12:31:45 +0000

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