The Foundation of Affection Of all the things that you can do - TopicsExpress


The Foundation of Affection Of all the things that you can do for the kingdom of God, developing affection toward the Lord is the greatest. Prospering in the things of God depends on your love and commitment to living for Him. Therefore, set your affection toward God so that you may position yourself to live in His divine presence and experience supernatural progress throughout life. Serve God with affection. 1. Affection: “delightsome commitment; an expression of love.” 2. When you’re affectionate toward God, you are excited about serving Him. 3. If you fail to serve God with gladness of heart, you will become vulnerable to your enemies and eventually serve them (Deuteronomy 28:47-48). 4. Rejoice over what God has done in your life, rather than complaining about your situation. 5. It should never be a burden for you to serve the Lord (Jeremiah 23:36-40). a) God wants to be celebrated, not tolerated; He doesn’t want to be a burden to you. b) Don’t ever say that He’s “given you a burden” for something, because you’ll remove yourself from His presence. 6.Serving without cheerfulness is a waste of time; it is has no future. 7. Being affectionate toward God is your greatest commandment; it’s crucial (Matthew 22:37-40). 8. King Solomon’s affection toward the Lord opened the door for his being blessed with “supernatural plenty,” or abundance (1 Kings 3:3-5). 9. Affection requires action. a) Example: How can you say you love God and not tithe (Malachi 3:9-10)? b) Example: God so loved the world that He gave His only Son (John 3:16). 10. If your motives are selfish, don’t ask God for anything—He refuses to place another “god” in your life (James 4:3-4). 11. When loving God is the motive behind all that you do, He reciprocates that love. 12. Nothing good happens on your behalf if the Lord is not at the centre of your life. 13. Your quality of affection for God will determine your effectiveness in the kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 13:3).
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 15:27:46 +0000

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