The Fox News corporate shills, like many phony Christians, are - TopicsExpress


The Fox News corporate shills, like many phony Christians, are quick to take offense when someone points out their lack of sincerity, and they will use every diversionary tactic - some intentional, some not (cognitive dissonance comes into play, after all) - to avoid the point being made. American Christians, including those at Fox News, tend to be clueless when it comes to whats in the Bible. Its not uncommon to see these fright/white/right-wing Christians get called out on their Christianity, and the response is usually very much like what we see in this example. Fright-wing Christians are challenged by the very Bible that they claim to believe, and rather than deal, specifically with that issue - at least to give it a moments thought - they react as we see here, that is, to attack the messenger rather than the message through some irrelevancy or another. In this case, its indigence that someone who doesnt hold the same political views shouldnt be allowed to reference the Bible, at all. And make no mistake: Racism is a big part of it. Fright-wing nitwit Tucker Carlson is quick to assert that the use of the Bible in the manner that was done is repugnant, but never says why. Fright-wing Barbie-doll Elisabeth Hasselbeck, a person not especially known for the ability to engage more than three brain cells at one time, tells us that (unidentified) scholars would consider the use of the phrase within the context of Obamas speech improper and inappropriate. She never tells us why. They never tell us *why* because they cant. They have no idea; and thats not their job, in any case. Their job is to keep old, white, mostly-male, fright-wing Christians stirred up as long as possible, and extract every dime they can from them. According to the article cited, below, it’s OK for Reagan to wrap himself in biblical justifications for his agenda that included demonizing the poor as welfare queens, throwing the mentally ill out of institutions and unto the street, labeling Nelson Mandela a terrorist, selling arms to hostage takers in Iran, and using the proceeds to bankroll murderous rebels in Nicaragua. But for Obama to advocate for the unity of families is totally out of bounds.” American conservativism is evil at its core. It should surprise no one that hypocrisy is a major component of that evil.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 18:50:49 +0000

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