The Fractional Reserve Policy perpetrated by the Federal Reserve, - TopicsExpress


The Fractional Reserve Policy perpetrated by the Federal Reserve, which has spread in practice to the great majority of banks in the world, is, in fact, a system of modern slavery. Think about it, money is created out of debt and what do people do when theyre in debt? They submit to employment to pay it off. But if money can only be created out of loans how can society ever be debt free? It cant and thats the point and its the fear of losing assets coupled with the struggle to keep up with the perpetual debt and inflation inherent in the system compounded by the inescapable scarcity within the money supply itself created by the interest that can never be repaid that keeps the wage slave in line. Running on the hamster wheel, with millions of others, in effect powering an empire that truly benefits only the elite at the top of the pyramid. At the end of the day, who are you really working for? The banks. Money is created in a bank and invariably ends up in a bank. They are the true masters, along with the corporations and governments they support. Physical slavery requires people to be housed and fed. Economic slavery requires people to feed and house themselves. It is one of the most ingenious scams for social manipulation ever created and, at its core, is an invisible war against the population. Debt is the weapon used to conquer and enslave societys and Interest is its prime ammunition...and as the majority walks around oblivious to this reality, the banks, in collusion with governments and corporations, can continue to perfect and expand their tactics of economic warfare, spawning new bases such as The World Bank and International Monetary Fund.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 17:37:53 +0000

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