The Freedom Teachings A Brief Primer* Hello, and thank you - TopicsExpress


The Freedom Teachings A Brief Primer* Hello, and thank you for your visit to the Azurite Press website, home to the Freedom Teachings”®. Our thanks and welcome are expressed to you through this brief primer, respectfully supporting your need to quickly assess the range, depth and personal contemporary significance of the many resources introduced on these and following pages. The urge to understand the nature of human reality has occupied the hearts and minds of many caring and thoughtful people for as long as anyone can remember, to little practical effect. Today, the desire to comprehend the purpose of reality supports an environment awash with a massive variety of paradigms, quick fix solutions, and re-cycled “truths all of which not only profess to satisfy our need to understand why our world is as it is... but also to deliver the means to create tangible, peaceful and expansive personal expression. Book after book, workshop after workshop, and still so very many questions remain unanswered; and, the very fundamentals of “Life” continue to make so little sense! Contemporary reality demonstrates that the idea that individuals can significantly alter the conditions of their personal experience, contribute to improved collective well-being, growth, harmony and creative expression has grown ever less attainable as our world has become more civilized. What contemporary humans have learned, by default, is the lesson of powerlessness and victim-hood. But, these all too prevalent circumstances are simply a reflection of what is taught or imposed, what is believed or accepted, and what is otherwise necessarily assumed in the absence of adequate prescriptive facts. The apparent futility of life has, for many people, either elevated God, “Masters”, Angels, or ETs as the only viable means of human “liberation” or has otherwise supported their respective denigration; either way, promoting hope and trust in all manner of alternate forms of external authority, at the expense of nurturing the remaining vestiges of spiritual potency, loving self-expression and personal sovereignty. This awareness (and concern) is fundamental to the context, and content, of the Freedom Teachings (FTs), which means that a new and very different perspective is available now. It is a perspective which not only embraces the nature, origin and direction of personal and planetary circumstance, but also offers fresh and dynamic opportunities via understanding the greater evolutionary processes at work - and - in unprecedented detail. The conditions of humanity, and the planet humanity occupies, reflect the progression of a bigger drama in which humanity and the planet are playing an unacknowledged part. It is a part that can be played out in complete ignorance and perpetual powerlessness - or - our roles can be dramatically changed according to what we choose to believe in, and act upon, at this time. This time is one in which the growing pains of Cosmic Evolution are likely to involve all, and become apparent to all. It is the time predicted by so many of the ancient prophets, seers, and sages: 2012-2017 / the Golden Dawn / the New Age / the biblical End Times - the most major event in the entire ‘history of man’ and about which next to nothing, of conceptual or practical personal value, has so far been discovered (or revealed)! Ask yourself why? Why have we not been allowed access to such understanding? What is it that we could be capable of if we could know what there is to know? Imagine, just for a moment, what would happen if more people understood the Source-Creation mechanisms of true co-creative power … and consider what might then be achieved with regard to the overwhelming abundance of human limitation, suffering, and its myriad expressions, that is so evident in every corner of our so called “advanced civilization”. Doesn’t the fact that we are presently unable to influence the conditions of human existence imply that “someone somewhere” doesn’t want us to express our preferences for loving kindness, egalitarian respect, and co-creative expression? Or - must we instead reluctantly acknowledge some intrinsic human weakness which therefore justifies our lowly-ness and therefore the adoption of the teachings of “blind faith”, laying our spiritual impotence at the feet of an “angry God”? Do we therefore also accept that in our striving for “goodness”, and a remote chance of appeasement to relieve our suffering, that our only choice is to work with intermediaries such as angels and ascended masters who, we are led to think, will intercede, plead our case, and deliver all best intentions on our marginalized and disempowered behalf? Isn’t this kind of “surrender” consistent with the “education-imposed – media-reinforced” sense that we are, after all, merely descended from apes, as so many experts insist that we are? The implications are quite plain. Such supposed evolutionary origins, or any established variation on the same general theme, implies our acceptance that all which is higher than the kingdoms of animals and ‘man’, is guaranteed; accordingly, the human psyche is impressed, and carries within itself the belief that all “higher” life is self-evidently superior! This way, or that way, by hook or by crook, the questioning of humanity and the desire for any significant degree of effective spiritual potency has been pacified, side-tracked, or simply persecuted … throughout all the ages, ancient and pre-ancient … by such simple, and evidently effective, contrivances. The answers the FTs offer do not necessarily negate the old paradigms, but they do challenge old ideas to evolve. The greatest benefit that the FTs offer you is the gift of uncommon knowledge, through which some of the mysterious aspects of reality can be understood ... and, through this, the majesty of personal experience can be re-discovered. Challenges inspire growth and the FTs are a challenge; their implications are intrinsically profound, so much so that at times they may seem unbelievable, a fiction, though we assure you they are not. If the FTs are approached with openness of mind, and keen intuition, the message can be immensely enlightening, the implications wholly transformational. The overall challenge we speak of here is embodied by the potent answers to questions like: What do we really know about our own origins, our history, our purpose, our world?; What do we really know about the workings of reality, the framework of Creation, the existence of other-worlds (and life-forms), their relationship and significance to us, our latent abilities, our planet and our future? The FTs offer a different, and significant, beginning to the many people who continue to search for a cogent understanding about the greater purpose, meaning and cause of reality and the human role, and power, inherent to the answers. Through this beginning you may begin to comprehend the incredibly complex framework within which human reality actually takes place, the intrinsic promise for evolutionary potential that this represents, and the fundamental re-affirmation of our common connection to a Sacred Creation. The FTs are very scientific in a certain way; they are also very spiritual in a certain way too. Contrary to the given teachings of our world, the FTs represent the natural, organic, union between science and high spirituality, representing phenomena we are taught do not exist: Multi-dimensional structure, multi-dimensional life-forms and a pre-ancient history and an evolutionary purpose we havent had the privilege of knowing for a very long time ... (Evolutionary Path & Amenti Series materials refer). The FTs reveal, and in substantial detail, that the connection between Science and Spirituality, the relationship between Energy and Consciousness, between Light and Sound, is the basis of all Creation (Keylontic Science and “KA-THA-RA” refer). This knowledge is the foundation of the Framework of Reality inherent to the FTs. By understanding this reality framework you can also understand many things that would otherwise be impossible to know. The truth behind Earth changes, ET realities and the spiritual self, about the physics of evolutionary existence, time travel, and ascension, about God, religions, politics and conspiracy theories, about the Angels and Masters, why channeling is dangerous and higher is not necessarily better ... It is the same truth that unites all these subjects. The same truth that makes human beings tick, is the same truth that explains the 15 dimensional structure of the Universe and holds the key to the structure of our very own multi-dimensional anatomy ... and this truth explains how future humans can visit Earth now and how they can quickly recall how to use the tools of such truth as the natural way to deal with the earthly, as well as multi-dimensional, reality of 2012 - 2017 (aka Stellar Activation Cycle). Understanding these things is what will set you free, not assumptions or paradigms that teach you nothing about your true power, abilities or potentials. In the brief sampling of summary materials which follow this introduction you can begin to discover a pretty detailed review of critical historical events which span billions of years; the presence, role and purpose of certain earth inhabitants known as the “Angelic Humans” and “Indigo Children” (as well as many other non-human species); the content and context, the processes and mechanics of Multi-dimensional reality, as well as the essential and corresponding aspects of your own personal Multi-dimensional anatomy. These components are some of the many which have been hidden, forbidden or suppressed. It is through such an apparently dramatic discovery as this that a greater personal discovery can be made: that a bridge is now available between genuine, passionate, but under informed spiritual aspiration and the meaningful actualization of potent spiritual participation. A specific result of such a major paradigm-shift is that your understanding of, access to, and integration of your “higher self”, as a direct expansion of conscious awareness and potential expression, can be more certainly, safely and thoroughly developed. We recognize that there are many paradigms that claim or imply similar personal benefits and we totally respect the right of everyone to embrace whatever choices they wish. I can do no more than to point out that, as far as legitimate Indigo’s are concerned, there is no other known source of such acutely useful and profoundly relevant information than the FT’s. The empowerment intrinsic to these materials forms an unparalleled personal hub through which the deep and unpresumptuous Love that IS Source can be re-discovered AND re-experienced as present reality. Access to Source lies in the detail, simply because the Love emanating from Source creates the detail. You, me, our planet, galaxy, and the “God Worlds”, and all sentient life- forms, ARE the detail through which Source experiences itself. It is through the same principles of detail that we are implicitly permitted to know Source, and participate as “Sparks of Source” across the Creation Framework. These inextricably connected facts form the greatest truth of all existence. Knowledge of these matters is our birthright. It is this awareness, this strength and this persistence that denotes the highest qualities of Divine Love, Divine Responsibility and Divine Awareness. These are the attitudes which characterize the most desirable response to the current planetary and wider Drama. And, it is the same attitudes which form the basis of passage into the worlds of true Spiritual Maturity, Loving Grace, and organic Co-creative Power, as conscious representatives of Source in a fundamental re-affirmation of our common connection to a Sacred Creation. Of course, each of us, with the best of our spiritual intention, can affirm all we like, any way we choose … but it really is a “no-brainer” that if we hope to create anything new, ‘better’ or of lasting substance, if we are really serious about re-affirming our active, conscious, connection to Source-Creation, then that must presuppose a reasonably detailed knowledge of the workings of Divine Substance so that the all essential question of our personal, conscious, informed accessibility to the stuff of creation can be reliably and successfully achieved. In other words, if we don’t really understand how Source creates, how the creation framework functions, what our genetic relationship to that process contains, what forms of energetic obstructions exist to compromise our best intentions, then we simply cannot, in all honesty, expect to manifest anything, of any lasting significance, in Divine Right Relationship! The FTs explain, in detail, that the connection between Science and Spirituality, the relationship between Energy and Consciousness, between Light and Sound, is the basis of all Creation. If we do not understand the basic mechanics of Creation, of ourselves, of our world and other-worlds, we cannot possibly expect to manifest much of anything ourselves, let alone create anything which is consistent with the organic nature of the framework within which creation-manifestation processes are expressed. If this simple reality of First Creation cannot be understood and respected, then that which is created can only be inorganic in terms of the original, and continuing, Creation Ethic, and will therefore prove harmful to self and others, on some level, and at “some point in time”. It is in precisely this way that much harm is, and has been, created in the name of “good”. And it is also through this same lens of naïve understanding that the limitations inherent to certain contemporary approaches to both the concept and expression of “Christ Consciousness” can be better understood. Understanding these things is what will set you free, not assumptions or paradigms that teach you little about your true power, abilities or potentials… and nothing about who you really are or why you are here… It is true to say that the FT’s are unique in these respects, simply because such questions are addressed with depth as well as integrity; and so, we can begin to comprehend the tangible reality of ourselves as manifest in Time and Space on multiple levels simultaneously; and what that really means in terms of the potential of human evolution inherent to Crystal Body integrity and associated DNA Template activation, together with the central fact that any meaningful relationship with these aspects of Self presupposes conscious connection to the Primal Life Force Currents emanating from Source. This, in truth, is one of the most important of the Sacred Keys; and, has thus been among the most forbidden of forbidden knowledge. The FT’s explain the difficulties associated with the lack of such knowledge through historical and anatomical DNA Template data, showing that progressive genetic degeneration, through intrusive or self-inflicted mutation, has imposed an immense practical spiritual limitation within the realm of human evolutionary optimism. The root of this human issue, the planetary and the many related species issues, date back to a time 950 Billion YA. This is the span of history in which the “biblical Fall” has actually been occurring, in corresponding Earth Time. The “Fall” is actually a detailed and continuing process of the natural consequences arising from the inappropriate use of Free Will Choice on many levels of Creation, of Karma on a Cosmic Scale, totally eclipsing the notion of “Adam and Eve”. The FT’s reveal a cohesive account of these phenomena, the actions of certain race collectives and their impact on the cyclical mechanism of a Creation in perpetual motion, ever striving to evolve, ever desirous of higher expression. By imbuing the Reality Framework with the right of Free Will Expression, Source implicitly risked the consequences of expressions inorganic to the organic Divine Blueprint. In doing so, and with the full cognition and agreement of all individuated manifest expression, Source provided for a cyclical mechanism by which evolutionary and species balance would be naturally and lovingly maintained, as an organic, non-judgmental expression of the fundamental Laws of Source-Creation. This implies that Source provided for the possibility of a critical mass development of inorganic energetic accretion, within the reality framework, that would or could risk the fundamental destabilization of the experiential Universes as well as the Creation Framework itself. The common link between all species and this cyclical pattern of renewal is the critical link between Primal Life Force Currents and the condition of the structural templates which connect, and support, the energetic architecture all life forms. If the condition of the templates contains an imbalance of inorganic structure and accreted detritus (true karma) then the templates cannot hold the frequency infusions which flow through Peak Cycles, such as the one approaching in 2012-17. And so, many humans and other life forms are unlikely to be able to successfully participate in the forthcoming evolutionary leap. As the FT’s reveal, there is a very sad and immense irony associated with the present human condition that is embedded in the heart of the evolutionary leap unfolding at this time. This is because humans, and especially those that hold an Angelic Human or Indigo DNA Silicate Matrix, were originally created, and have continued to incarnate, as a healing force within this Cosmic karmic scenario. Angelic Humans were created as a Guardian Race, to facilitate healing on many levels and, literally, in terms of this irrevocable Stellar Activation Cycle (“SAC”), which is what the 2012-17 Peak Cycle is properly termed. As representatives of Source preferences, and by virtue of the special nature of their genetic composition and co-creative potentials, the Indigo’s and their extended Angelic Human Race Line Families have represented a major obstacle to those races who preferred to follow an inorganic agenda. Consequently, and as a result of the loving innocence of the Healer races, these races encountered progressive genetic mutation, and sometimes total extinction, as a result of their attempted healing interactions with other races across a period of many billions of years. The technical aspects of the FT’s explain what such DNA mutation looks and feels like, what to do to heal that at Core Template Level, and how that process is inextricably connected to Earth Grids, its resident life forms, and other key locations, such as Star Gates and Crystal Temples, within Universal structure. You may, perhaps, understand the basic (!) scope of the FT’s a little better now, and you might understand, also, that our use of certain words like ‘spiritual potency’, ‘practicality’, ‘empowerment’ and ‘maturity’ carry a very special, as well as deeply genuine, connotation. These characteristics are important in terms of the task which forms the embodiment of our purpose. The current Cyclical Peak (“SAC”) presupposes our focus on the absolute necessity of “realigning” the sub-atomic elements of our personal bio-energetic fields, and thereby achieving significant restoration of the organic condition of our DNA templates, spin condition of local and extended Merkaba fields, Crystal Body restoration, as well as other key elements of our multi-dimensional anatomy… and, therefore, the corresponding elements of Planet Earth. It is only in this way that we are once again enabled to assume progressive co-resonant participation, and all that that implies, with the increasingly intense flow of Primal Life Force Currents moving through Earth crust and core, or emanating as Solar Frequencies, as these frequencies drive the mechanism of the forthcoming, and now irrevocable, evolutionary leap. “Indigo Children” and “Angelic Humans” were created specifically with precise organic abilities to assist in the healing processes represented by the scenario I have introduced here, as embodied within the Original Divine Blueprint, and thus the Original Law of One. We uniquely share the intrinsic genetic capacity to do so. We share a genetic responsibility, as well as certain “high agreements” (Contracts), to represent ‘millions’ of races and ‘billions’ of life forms from our “pre-destined” and special location here on Earth. Together with the Eieyani of Inner Earth we respectfully invite you to consider in more detail what the FT’s have to share. We hope that you will find sufficient encouragement, in what I have tried to explain so very briefly, to take a step beyond what you think you know, toward the Guardian birthright that awaits ... clicking the button below is the doorway to our collective World of Wonder, Self-restoration and Divine Right Expression. ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ The Mental Purger Stone: The dark brilliance of azurite speeds the vibration of all energies toward the spiritual realm. Blue stones tend to be quietening and calming, but azurite has a shifting, transformative quality. It is also known to stimulate deep levels of consciousness, and to increase subtle communication skills such as intuition, creativity, and inspiration. Energy: healing, transformative, empathic Colours: blue, blue-green (with malachite), copper flecks Uses: Copper-based, called the jewel of wisdom, azurite is beneficial for amplifying healing ability and energy, gaining insight, mental clarity and control, enhancing meditation, and prenatal strength. Star Sign: Sagittarius Planet: Jupiter Element: Fire Chakra: Throat Tips for Azurite: Keep azurite with you when you are in need of divine guidance - it is known as the stone of heaven Hold azurite to boost your clairvoyant abilities Position azurite near you if you are a healer to benefit from the empathy it brings Carry or wear azurite to ease aching bones Hold azurite to assist you when you need to express your deepest thoughts or feelings Place azurite in your work place to help stimulate creativity Azurite helps you to see into lifes mysteries and increase spiritual attunement. []
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 12:10:09 +0000

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