The Fulani people call themselves Fulbe (Pullo, in singuler).They - TopicsExpress


The Fulani people call themselves Fulbe (Pullo, in singuler).They were originally nomadic herders, traders and farming people living throughout West Africa. While their origins are disputed, Arab writers recorded their existence over 1000 years ago. However experts believe that they originated from a region that occupied the present day Northern Senegal. Over the centuries, they migrated with their cattle to occupy vast areas in the Sahel and Savannah regions of West Africa and evolved into many subgroups with a variety of designations including Fulbe, Fellata, Fula, Fulakunda, Bororos, Wodaabe, Peul, Pulaar, Halpulaar, liptaako, and Toucouleur. Presently, they live in communities throughout much of the West-Africa, from Senegal to Cameroon and as far east as Sudaan and Ethiopia. While most commonly called Fulani in current literature, they prefer to be called Fulbe. Historically, the Fulani played a significant role in the rise and fall of ancient African empires such as Ghana, Mali, Songhai and the Mossi states. They greatly contributed to the spread of Islam throughout Western Africa. More recently, slavery and colonialism dispersed Fulani throughout the Middle East, the Americas and Europe. American history books are full of individuals of Fulani origin who have distinguished themselves in North and South America and the Caribbean. Fulbe have rich traditions and fascinating way of life. They have had a significant social, religious and political impact in West Africa. As minorities in most of the West African countries where they reside, the Fulani are steadily mixing with local dominant cultures. The phenomenon of local integration, combined with the impact of colonization and westernization, has slowly eroded the Fulani language and traditions.
Posted on: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 14:03:01 +0000

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