The Full Moon is in exalted Taurus today, opposite the Sun in - TopicsExpress


The Full Moon is in exalted Taurus today, opposite the Sun in Scorpio. Its the day of fruition and culmination for this months moon cycle. Since our current cycle began with a solar eclipse in Scorpio, its an especially powerful full moon today. Our eclipse season is almost over, and for most of us who pay attention to these celestial influences (and for many who dont!) its been a powerful time. At the time of this full moon cycle the planets ruling the full moon are Mars and Venus. With Mars exalted in Capricorn and Venus fallen in Scorpio its an interesting where its possible that the more traditionally masculine mars is temporarily helping us out while the rays of venus are putting us in danger. For example...things that look fun or enjoyable, the things we desire right now, might actually be awful for us with Venus in her fall as the planetary host of the exalted Moon. On the other hand, hard work, focus, clear boundaries, determination, future orientation and setting our desires or fears of displeasure aside right now may lead to amazing long term results (this as the exalted Mars hosts the Scorpio Sun during this full moon time). Playing only on the Taurus/Scorpio themes and setting aside their planetary rulers, we might be looking at new financial gains or partnerships, as well as the settling of debts, the incurring of new debts, or the recognition that something needs to change with regard to the way we handle our finances or earn our livelihood. Sometimes the hardest thing to recognize is that its our lifestyle that keeps us from having the job we wish for, not the impossibility of the job itself. On the other hand, sometimes we glorify what we do when deep down we would like to be living more comfortably, working less hours, or spending our time in a different environment. The Bull and the Scorpion are both fixed signs, and so nothing happens too quickly under a Full Moon in Taurus...the results may not fully sink in until sometime this weekend. Its a heavy, slow paced Full Moon time. So be patient with decisions, investments, commitments, and judgments. Also, be careful of judgments or decisions being based in corruption, or the fear of exposure, rather than long term solutions and public responsibility. Theres nothing we need to hide from and nothing too great for us to take accountability for at this full moon time. Mars is capable of righting wrongs and steering the ship straight right now, but we have to trust that exposing ourselves as we really are will take us farther than brokering deals that keep hidden our most self conscious flaws. No deals with the devil, no gun on the run. Because it turns out that our flaws are what make us beautiful too. Living with what makes us both beautiful and ugly, in whatever area of our lives, with no hiding or running, is how we can create real changes over long periods of time. With Mercury still in its shadow period (covering back over tracks from the first two stages of the retrograde cycle) decisions we might have come to in the past weeks are now being revisited or revised...deepened. The course through something is now right in front of us, and as the Full Moon rises this evening, lets not forget to say the simplest and most ambiguous words in the spiritual dictionary: thank you. Prayer: to who, we dont know...we dont need to know...but thank you, thats our prayer.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 19:17:17 +0000

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